Chapter 6

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    My eyes widened and I began coughing uncontrollably when I tried to speak. I whipped my head around to face Jacob. His eyes were sparkling and a playful smirk was dancing on his lips. My eyes darted back to the building ahead of us and back to him again. It was as though he didn't want the possibility of a second date. Why would he do this to me? Why is this happening? I knew going on a date with him was a bad idea.

"You have got to be kidding me," I managed to choke out when the coughing died down. I clutched my purse against my chest and tried to steady my breathing, "I did not dress like this to go and do that."

Jacob snickered and unbuckled his seatbelt, quickly getting out and rushing to my side to open the door for me. I honestly did not want to get out and was prepared to sit in his truck all night. He could go on the date all by himself. As soon as the door was opened, a shiver ran through me and goosebumps raised on my arms but I didn't make a move to get out.

He took my wrist into his hand and tugged lightly, "Come on, it's really not that bad." He tried to reason, "I'll make you a deal. If you don't like it, I'll take you wherever you want to go."

I looked over to him. His eyes were hopeful and pleading. I took a deep breath, unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the truck. He closed the door behind me and locked the vehicle before leading me across the parking lot and towards the front door of the place. Blissful Karaoke Bar was lit at the top of the building and on the entrance itself. I groaned loudly and Jacob laughed. He pulled the door open and when I just stood there looking inside, he placed his hand in the small of my back and gently guided me inside.

The instrumental for a song that I couldn't quite place was blaring through the speakers around us and once we were inside, I could see the stage well. A blonde-haired girl was sitting on a stool with a bright smile spread across her face as she sang the lyrics that popped up on the screen behind her and on the computer ahead of her. She sang well. It wasn't the best I've heard but she was still good.

"What are you going to sing?" Jacob whispered in my ear. A small smile crept its way onto my lips at how his breath tickled me as it glided across my skin.

I turned around to face him, tilting my head up so our eyes would meet, "You're the one that's supposed to be showing me a fun time, remember? I think I'd love it if you sang instead." I placed my hands on his chest as I spoke. His eyes flitted to my lips and back up to my eyes again.

Jacob grabbed my hands with both of his, enveloping them in warmth, "I'll sign us up to sing a duet then." If I could go pale, I would have as soon as the words fell from his lips. There weren't that many people in the bar but it was still more than I was comfortable singing in front of. I wasn't a terrible singer but I wasn't great either.

My mouth went dry and I felt like fish out of water. I started shaking my head and backing away every so slightly but his grip on my hands tightened and he grinned from ear to ear.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he took a stepped towards me. His cologne was citrusy with notes of what I could only think of as sandalwood; it was intoxicating.

I shrugged and took another step back but his hold didn't loosen and his grin grew which I thought was impossible. This guy really has a weird way of showing me a good time, "Home." I said with a straight face. I was not about to get up on that stage and sing for a bunch of strangers' amusement.

The karaoke section was dimly lit and all the persons that were watching the blonde singing seemed to be quite impressed by her. She was hitting all of the high notes perfectly. I didn't think she was that great when I first walked in but the more she got into the song, the better she sounded. The bar itself was littered with people. One guy had his arm folded on the bartop and his head was on it as though he was sleeping; he probably was. The bartender looked disinterested while he used a rag to clean up the bar. His eyes were roaming the crowd and he looked like he was singing along to the song.

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