Chapter 37

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"Hi, Mr Hunter," Kallum greeted. I was still getting dressed when he arrived and I was glad that it hadn't been Grace to answer the door. She appeared to be okay with the idea of Theo and I and I somewhat believed her. I was not about to push my luck.

I heard Theo's laugh as I came around the corner, "You can call me Theo," He said and held out his hand for Kallum to shake.

Grace had gone to the mall with Zoey to get Christmas decorations. It was the twenty-seventh of October but their reasoning was that it was close enough to November which was close enough to December. I didn't bother to argue with them. I loved Christmas too and the fuzzy, excited feeling that came with it.

Kallum shook his hand and offered him a drink. I stayed close to the hallway that led to the bedrooms so I could watch their exchange. It looked like they were getting along.

"Thank you but Avery's ready. I don't know why she's over there acting weird."

Kallum turned and saw me, a small smile on his lips, "Are you sure she's the one you want to be associated with? I live with her, this is only a glimpse of her true nature."

"She seems cool otherwise so I'll stick with her and see if she's just faking normal for my sake," Theo said, going along with Kallum's joke.

"Suit yourself, man. Don't say I didn't warn you." He laughed and went into the kitchen, leaving Theo and I alone.

I walked up to him with the goofiest smile, "Hey."

"Hey. you didn't hear your friend and I, did you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. The teasing tone he used was not lost on me. I shoved his shoulder and brushed him on my way out the door. "I take that as a yes then."

"I'll be as weird as I want to be. Thank you very much." I said and got into his car. He parked a bit closer than he usually did. I told Theo how it all went and he was free to meet me at my door if he wanted to and he didn't disappoint.

My eyes shifted over to him as he drove toward wherever we were heading. His dark hair had grown out a lot since I first met him and to my dismay, his tattoo was fully covered. Theo turned up the radio and hummed along to the song playing. I heard it before but wasn't too familiar with it.

"Here." Theo offered me a black hoodie. He kept glancing from me to the road, waiting for me to take it. I had been so focused on the view through my window that I hadn't seen where he even got it from. My brows knitted together and I accepted the hoodie.

"Where did this come from?"

"In the back seat. I knew you wouldn't have brought one the same way I knew you'd wear something short." He laughed, focusing all of his attention back on the road ahead. "You look great as always."

I thanked him. I wore a long sleeved body-fitting dress. In my head, the dress had potential to keep me warmer than it actually did.

"I like how I dress," I defended once I caught onto the fact that he was saying I always wore something short. He wasn't wrong. That was just my style.

"So do I. As I said, you always look great. It's just that I knew you'd be cold and I didn't want you shaking all night."

"You could always hold me close to you, you know."

"I still plan to."

A shiver ran through me and I hurriedly put on the hoodie. The warmth wasn't instant, as I had hoped but his hoodie smelled exactly like him. Obviously. I thought to myself. It was his after all. Instinctively, I drew in a deep breath, allowing his scent to envelop me.

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