Chapter 33

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My feet only carried me two steps before a hand wrapped around my wrist, halting my movements. I looked up at Theo, he was smiling, not at all bothered by how small this campus seemed to be. This was not a coincidence. That was impossible. First it was Zoey knowing Nick then Grace knowing Dylan. This was some sort of joke. It had to be.

Caleb walked into view, a smirk plastered on his face, "I saw that your little group were all in relationships and I didn't want another guy snatching you up, especially when you look like this," He said, eyes trailing down my body.

Theo shoved his friend's shoulder and laughed. We were all so close together that people must have been curious about what was going on. The music was too loud for us to hear each other any other way.

"You're just as bad as Nick."

My head whipped between the two of them. Both of them we calm so I let my anxiety about the situation melt away. I grinned up at Theo and slid into the space between the two of them, my back pressed against Theo and my chest grazing Caleb.

Theo's hands wasted no time finding my hips as we moved to the beat together. Caleb leaned over me to whisper something. It was a lost cause since I heard him anyway. "She's a keeper."

After that, he gave me once over and found another girl close by to dance with. He winked at me then went on to whisper something in her ear. Whatever it was made her giggle and face him.

"Are you having fun?" Theo's warm breath tickled my skin, sending a shiver through me. I nodded and placed my hands over his and pressed my body even closer to his, "I told you before that you're making this harder for me."

No words were necessary, we stayed like that for four songs, enjoying the vibes and company. An idea hit me so I pulled out my phone and texted Grace, telling her that I was going outside for fresh air. She sent a smiley face and I took that as my cue. I searched the room for my friends and once I spotted them, I grabbed Theo's hand and led him through the dancing twenty-somethings. The way he had taken me was as clear as day in my mind.

The door closed behind us with a soft click. I flicked on the lights and let out a breath. The room was empty and looked exactly the same as it did last time.

"What are you-" Theo began but I turned around and pressed my lips against his. Barely a second of shock passed before he wrapped one around me and brought the other hand up to cup my face. Butterflies fluttered deep in my stomach and my face heated up despite the air conditioning.

Once we broke apart, I let out a slow breath, "I've been waiting all day for that."

Theo's eyes were dazed, he just nodded and guided my lips back to his. My heart thumped in my chest as he pulled my bottom lip between his. A moan that I was holding back escaped into the almost silent air between us.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, we need to go back out there. I don't want your friends to come looking and find us like this."

I smiled up at him, not moving from our close position, "I told Grace that I was going to get some fresh air plus she looked pretty caught up with Kallum when I last saw her."

"Okay... what I'm trying to say is that I'm on my last ounce of self control."

I didn't mean to laugh but the pained look he gave me was so funny. I stepped away from him and held up my hands, "Fine. Come on."

My mouth moved before my brain had time to stop it and I almost kicked myself for what I said next, "Are you dating someone?"

I groaned internally when Theo's hand stilled on the doorknob, "I am actually." My heart sank, "Well I think that I am, you haven't told me otherwise."

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