Chapter 29

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    My head pounded as I made my way to the bathroom. Memories of last night flooded through my mind, trying to push the headache to the side. My thumb traced my bottom lip as I remembered that kiss with Theo.

I used the toilet, washed my hands then washed my face with the hope of the cold water helping to the pain in my head. It didn't, not for long anyway. My legs shook as I made my way back to the room. Why did I think drinking was a good idea? With every step, my mind flashed with every beer I drank, every shot of brandy I ordered and my stomach turned. I refused to throw up.

Today was supposed to be spent doing homework but how I was feeling left no room for that. My head hurt so bad I felt like I lost my sense of smell or maybe there was nothing around to actually give off a scent. I didn't know.

My bed called out to me as I flopped onto it, not bothering to close my bedroom door behind me. Last night Kallum and Grace were all over each other. I had to close my door and press my pillow against my head to drown them out. The alcohol in their system made them shed every ounce of shyness they had and sadly for me, that meant very loud activities a few steps away.

A week ago I was insanely jealous of the fact that everyone had someone and I didn't. Something shifted last night. The way Theo explained himself and his decisions made things clear for me. I had already decided that I was going to stop dating Jake. I hadn't said it aloud yet. It was a decision that needed to be made, even if it wasn't easy. He deserved better.

Was Theo saying that he wanted to date me or just get to know me? That kiss felt like a lot more than a simple 'getting to know'. I was thinking too much into this and the pounding against my skull wasn't helping either.

My familiar ringtone rang out and I rolled over to reach for my phone. I answered without paying attention to the caller ID. That was not something I usually did, the caller ID was hard to ignore but my eyes didn't want to open more than half way.

"Hello," I muttered, voice strained.

A low chuckle greeted my ear, "Is this a bad time?" Theo asked.

"Any time today is a bad time. What's up?" I hadn't expected him to call. Rustling and hushed whispers in the background caught my attention, "Is someone there with you?"

"Yeah, Nick and Cameron are he-" He started but I cut him off.

"So early in the morning?" I said with a groan, this headache refused to let up.

His chuckle was louder and heartier this time, "It's one in the afternoon. Wait... did you just wake up?"

"Maybe." It couldn't be that late already, could it? I removed my phone from my ear and checked, sure enough, it was a quarter past one.

"You must have had a lot of fun last night then."

My eyebrows raised although he couldn't see me, "More than you know," I said, my mind drifting back to last night once more.

He hummed and I knew he was smiling and thinking the exact same thing I was, "Do you want to hang out later?" His tone was so casual, a far cry from what I felt at the moment.

"Uh... yeah. What time?"

"That's up to you, you slept half the day away already so let me know what works for you."

I rolled my eyes at his remark, "Ha-ha, very funny. I guess eight is a good time."

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

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