Chapter 18

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    The sand shifted under our feet as we fought our way to Nick's friends. Their chatter cut through the loud, crashing waves but their words flowed into each other so nothing intelligible could be heard.

Nick drew me closer into his side and I rested my head on his chest. We were strangers but it didn't matter. At this point, I couldn't care less. He was cute and smelled nice, plus, I was single.

The dreadful feeling of loneliness was tugging on me. I never paid it any attention but it truly surfaced today and I couldn't shake it. Trying my best to shove those thoughts to the back of my mind, I plastered a smile on my face. If we were hanging out with these people, we needed to make a good first impression.

There was something oddly comforting about Nick. I didn't know him but somehow felt safe but if there's one thing that I learned; never trust someone before getting to know them. We neared the group and I was slowly gaining my ability to make out the faces.

"Avery?" A man's voice called out and I knew it all too well.

"Theo?" I matched his pitch to ensure he heard me. I still wasn't able to see him but the tall figure walking towards me had to be him.

Nick's arm went slack, ever so slightly but he never let it fall, "The Avery?" It was almost as if he was stunned.

Theo was standing directly in front of us, his mesmerising tattoo on full display. It's like I had a problem with gawking at guys today. My eyes lingered on his painted skin for a beat too long but he hadn't seen me. When I looked back up, he was glaring at Nick. At first, I hadn't registered what Nick said; the Avery.

"What does he mean?" Theo's eyes shifted to mine and softened immediately. He shook his head and smiled. He did exactly what Nick did and ran his eyes over every inch of my body, biting his lip when our eyes locked again.

Can I have both of them?

It should be illegal for someone to look that good. His cut off jeans fit him perfectly and his tank top showcased the tattoo that I seemed to have an issue looking away from. I wrapped up in one beautiful guy and had another standing in front of me but I knew I could only have one of them. Theo made that clear.

"Nothing," He gave me another once-over, "How do you know Nick?"

I shrugged and looked up at Nick. He was a few inches taller than Theo but they were equally handsome, "We just met two minutes ago."

Theo raised an eyebrow and chuckled softly, "You're very cosy with a guy you just met."

I smiled at him, almost certain that my eyes had a glimmer of mischief in them, "I have a feeling that we're going to get to know each other really well."

His jaw went slack and Nick chuckled beside me. A flicker of something that I couldn't quite catch flashed across Theo's face before he nodded.

"Have fun with that." Without another word, he went back to where he was and draped an arm over one of the girls there. Her hair fell in waves, completely hiding his hand that was on his shoulder.

Nick stepped away from me and called my friends over with a large grin, "Make yourselves comfortable. We don't bite," He said to the group then he whispered to me, "Unless that's what you like." He winked and grabbed two beers, opening them and handing one to me. He gave the other to Grace and opened three more to give the rest of my friends.

I drank the beer faster than I should have, causing Nick's eyes to widen and his grin to do the same. What can I say? I liked to have a good time.

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