Chapter 15

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    The door clicked shut behind me and I walked into the living room while peering at my phone. It was twelve in the morning. I walked in just in time to see Kallum practically launching himself off of Grace. I pretended that I hadn't seen what he did. I placed my keys and phone on the coffee table.

"Oh, you're still up," I commented, dropping into the chair between them. They both groaned when my body landed on them.

"You texted me to wait up for you," Grace said before shoving me onto Kallum, "Kal wanted to be my company, so yeah."

I shrugged as best as I could in my awkward position. Pushing Kallum into the corner of the couch, I slid into the space between the two of them properly. I looked over at Grace and she had the most suggestive look painted on her features.

I snickered, "Relax your face. Nothing happened."

"Don't lie. He was looking at you like you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen."

Kallum shifted and got up from his seat, stretching when he was on his feet, "That's my cue to leave."

"Please take her with you," I called behind him but he was already retreating to his room. I knew that Kal heard me but blatantly ignored me.

Looking over at my best friend, I wasn't surprised to see that the look was still plastered on her features. What's wrong with her? Closing my eyes, I patiently waited for what she was going to say next. Knowing Grace, it wasn't long before she started up again.

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to force it out of you?" She pressed.

My eyes remained closed, "Trust me, nothing happened." I sighed softly. The wave of disappointment finally crashing into me.

It was obvious to Jake that I wanted to be with him more intimately but he had his rules and I respected them. I had to keep telling myself that so I didn't become consumed with embarrassment at his rejection. Grace moved beside me and draped ones of her arms over my shoulder, pulling me closer to her.

She always was a good friend to me. My best friend.

Her warm embrace comforted me. It was immature to be this sad about the situation but I was unable to feel anything else. Jake and I had a great night but it was what it was. In the back of my mind, I knew that we weren't going to be a long term couple and I hoped that he knew that too. It wasn't even about his abstinence. I had a lot to work through with myself before I got into another relationship. My main goal was to enjoy my college years.

I shook my head to rid myself of such deep thoughts. It made no sense even going there.

"You wanted something to happen, right?"

"I tried, but he denied me. He was really sweet about it but it still sucks, you know?"

She pulled me impossibly closer, "There are plenty of other guys out there so don't be so sad about it. It's his loss anyway," She tried to cheer me up, "Are you going to continue to date him?"

"We're going on dates but we aren't dating." I corrected, "I'm just going to see where it goes. We had a great night together anyway, so there's that."

Grace yawned and I moved off of her, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good so let's get some rest," I said as struggled to get off of the couch. I was so comfortable.

I held my hand out for her and she grabbed it, almost dragging me down as she pulled herself up. She giggled softly and let me go.

"Thanks, Sweetheart." She winked.

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