Chapter 42

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"What do you want to do today?" Theo asked as soon as the car door was closed.

I buckled my seatbelt and shrugged, "We can hang out at your place. If that's cool with you?" He sped off in the direction of his house within seconds of the words leaving my mouth, "I take that as a yes."

"I'll never say no to being home alone with you," He said as he grabbed my hand, placing a kiss on the back of it before placing it on his lap.

"I like the sound of that."

There rest of the car ride was filled with my own singing and Theo's laughter every time I missed a high note. In no time, we were walking through his front door.

"Make yourself comfortable. Do you want anything to drink?" He asked as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, a soda, thanks."

I went to the living room but didn't really feel like chilling there so I made a beeline for his bedroom. I left the door cracked open and sat on the edge of his bed, turning the TV on once I put my purse and phone aside.

"Avery, are you in the bathroom?" Theo called out.

I laughed softly and shook my bed before answering, "I'm in your room!"

Theo nudged the door open with his foot, two glasses of soda filled his hands. "I thought I heard you in the living room," He said and handed me one of the glasses.

"Yeah I was but changed my mind."

We both sat at the bottom of the bed, sipping our drinks and watching the last movie he had playing. It made no sense to me but he looked really interested in it.

"Are you finished?" He asked and I looked down into my empty glass then to him and nodded. He took it from me and stretched over to the bedside table and placed both of them on it.

Once he was sitting back up again, he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. I turned my face and kissed him so softly that I barely felt it. I pulled away and looked into his eyes as they searched mine. He looked like he was having an internal battle and everything in me screamed to help him.

I brought my hand up to his cheek and brought his face to mine, kissing him again, and again, and again. When I pulled away again, he was calmer. His eyes fell to my lips and he kissed me with everything he had. He nibbled on my lip, tugging every so lightly and I gladly parted them. His hold on my waist tightened so I brought my leg over and straddled him, never allowing us to part.

Moans mixed with the movie playing in the background but all I could focus on was the way he made me feel and how I wanted more. My heart sped up as my hips rocked back and forth on his lap. His hand that wasn't on my waist grabbed my but and squeezed, only making me moan louder.

Theo's grip on my waist tightened even more as he pushed himself off the bed. My legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he spun us around. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I felt us lower onto the bed, the comfort of it engulfing me.

"I want you," I whispered against his lips, unable to help myself.

Theo broke the kiss , his eyes meeting mine. Our breathing was heavy and the songs playing in the end credits filled the silence between us. He almost looked pained at the idea and I regretted even saying anything.

"We don't have to if you don't want to. I'm sorry I-" Theo's lips pressed against mine cutting me off. When he pulled away, he smiled.

"Trust me, I want you but I need you to be sure. This isn't something that'll regret doing and I don't want you to regret it either."

"I'm not going to regret it. I want this. I want you."

Theo reached over to the bedside table and opened the drawer and took out a condom.

"So you just have those in there ready to go?" I asked with a small chuckle.

"Maybe I was hoping that you'd want me as much as you've been saying you do,'' He said then his expression was serious again, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, now kiss me."

Just as our lips were about to meet, his doorbell rang. Both of us groaned at the intrusion. I looked down between us, he was visibly excited about what we were going to do.

"I'll get it. You aren't exactly, um, decent."

Theo laughed and let me out from underneath him. I sprinted through the house and to the door, eager to make any excuse for this person to leave.

When I pulled the door, I saw a tall guy with dark hair and features similar to Theo's. I'd never seen any pictures before but I had a feeling I knew who this was.

"Hi, I'm Gavin, Theo's brother," The guy greeted with a shy smile. "Is he home?"

My lips parted slightly and it took me a moment to register that he asked me a question.

"Um, yeah." I said to him then raised my voice for Theo to hear, "Theo, I think you're going to want to come to the door."

A few seconds later, I heard his footsteps approaching and his voice had a curious tone as he spoke, "Why? Is it the guys?" I didn't look back at him but I knew he saw who was at the door by the way his footsteps sped up.

Theo wrapped his arm around my waist and tugged lightly to get me to step away from the door and in less than a second, he slammed the door in his brother's face and led us away. I didn't know what to do or say but I knew he was one of the last people Theo ever wanted to see.

Why did he even come here?

The End.


January 17, 2021... I've finally finished "Change Your Mind". The ending may be subject to change but for right now, this is how I want it to be. It's been 23 months since I've started this story and I'm so thankful for everyone that gave it a chance. I knw it is far from perfect but I love my story and my characters.

I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this book and maybe you can check out my other works (if you want to lol) but thanks again!

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