Chapter 28

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        "Well, well, well. Look at this," Nick commented, eyes twinkling with excitement. From where I was seated, I saw a small person behind him, most likely a woman.

My eyes went from Nick to Theo. I didn't know if I needed to get off his lap or stay put. My heart hammered in my chest. I didn't think about getting caught this quickly. We hadn't even decided on what we were going to do.

Theo appeared to be the complete opposite of me. His eyes were bright and he was smiling. What was he smiling about? We just got caught yet he had a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Took you long enough," Nick continued after a few seconds of silence. Theo rolled his eyes and removed his hands from under my shirt and instead of pushing me off, he placed his hands on my thighs and kissed me once more.

When we parted, I glanced over at Nick, whoever was behind him shifted from foot to foot.

"Didn't take you long at all though," I shot back, eyeing the space behind him. I wasn't able to see the girl but he knew what I meant.

He raised his eyebrow and reached behind him, taking hold of the person's small hand. "I can say the same for you."


Theo wasn't bothered and I took his lead. Nick was his friend after all and I doubted that he cared enough to tell anyone about what he saw. The girl behind him never peeped around him so I was going on the assumption that she didn't see anything either.

"I'll leave you two to it then. Remember, don't tap until you wrap." My jaw fell open at his statement. Did he think that we were going to hook up in a lounge? If i was being honest, the idea was pretty exciting. The risk of being caught made my heart thump in my chest yet again.

Nick winked at me, turned and left the room, ensuring the woman he was with couldn't see us. I mentally thanked him for doing that.

"What was he talking about?"

Theo's grip on my thighs, making me feel a certain type of way. If I wasn't straddling him I knew I would have squeezed my legs shut until the feeling subsided. It wasn't like we were going to act on it now.

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask/" That only made me more curious, "I may or may not have told my friends about you. That day we met at the grocery store, I told them I met someone that was trying to break my foot. Once I realised I was your teacher, I mentioned that too,"

I knew there was more to the story, "And..."

"And both Nick and Cameron were all for it. Dylan and Caleb were on the fence about me being interested in a student but once I described what you looked like and how our first conversation went, they were all for it too."

"All for what?"

Theo groaned. He didn't want to talk about it but it involved me and I felt like I needed to know what he knew, "Asking you out. This is going to sound so juvenile but after the grocery store incident, I wanted to find out if you were single. I told myself that if I ran into you there again then I was going to ask for your number. Sadly for me, the next time I saw you, you were a part of I class I have to teach.

"As I explained, I told the guys and they all decided I should still go ahead. I didn't completely agree with it but I tried it, kind of. Then we kissed and I tried to leave you alone and now here we are." He chuckled, looking down at his lap that I was still sitting on.

My gaze followed his, "I guess that 'leaving me alone' part didn't work out too well, huh."

He shook his head, eyes meeting mine again, "I can't say I'm mad about it either."

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