Chapter 11

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"Okay, so my mind has been running wild because I can't remember anything from the last few hours of the party," I started with a sigh, tugging at my hair, "I need you to tell me what happened and spare no details.

Jake's eyes were locked with mine and a smile gradually grew the more I talked. He shook his head, "Nothing really happened. We left the party after you had one-too-many drinks and kissed in my truck then I took you home," He began, "I made sure you got into your room and before I knew it, you were taking your clothes off and I had been drinking too so I knew if I stayed, something would have happened so I left and that's it."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips and my body slumped. I smiled at him, searching his face for any signs of dishonesty but I didn't find any. I lunged and wrapped my arms around his neck with a squeal. Jake's soft chuckle shook my body as he snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

My arms moved from around his neck to cup his face, slowly bring it to mine. I kept my eyes on him the entire time, watching a smirk make its home on his lips. We were mere centimetres apart when his eyes closed and I whispered, "That's good to know." I then pulled away with a satisfied smile.

Jake's grip tightened on my waist and he groaned. His eyebrows were knitted together. It looked like it pained him to allow his eyes to flutter open, disappointment clearly etched into them. He loosened his hold on me until he fully let go of me, a smirk tugging at his lips. He liked the game.

"If that's all then I should be heading home," He said as he got up from the bed, stretching his arms up above his head.

I looked up at him, watching as his shirt slid up his body, revealing the smooth, dark skin of his lower abdomen. My eyes reluctantly lifted to his face to find a knowing look. I rolled my eyes and got up then purposely brushed him as I walked out of the room. He was close behind me and I was almost certain that he was laughing.

"Do you want to stay for an early dinner?" I asked but he shook his head with a smile.

"I'm good, but thanks for the offer." He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Jake was gone for less than ten seconds before Grace popped up, grinning from ear to ear, "So what were you guys doing in there?"

I groaned, "You should worry about what goes done inside your own bedroom, Sweetie." I shot back but turned in the direction of the kitchen to see if Kallum had heard me; he didn't.

"Fair enough," She laughed and I was so glad that she didn't get offended.

I walked over to her, she was still on the couch and the T.V was loud, "Does Kallum know that I know?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

She shook her head and thankfully the playful expression she held never wavered, "We haven't gotten that far in the conversation yet." She winked.

If I was drinking something, I would have definitely choked on it, "Are you two a thing?" My voice came out even softer than it had before.

"All I said was that we didn't get that far in the conversation," She said but I knew she was hiding something and I had a strong feeling that I knew what it was.

I shrugged and sat next to her but focused my gaze on what she had been watching only a few moments ago, "Fine, don't tell me." My words were nonchalant but my mind was anything but, "By the way, Jake and I didn't hook up."

"I'm not surprised." That got my attention.

My gaze snapped away from the T.V and onto her, "Why'd you say that?"

Grace shrugged and didn't bother to look at me, "He's been trying to get you to go on a date with him for so long. I doubt he'd screw it up and especially not like that."

I nodded although she wasn't looking. She had a point. Even when I was with my ex, Jake wanted to get to know me but never pushed it. The thought of my ex brought a stinging sensation to my eyes and I blinked furiously to keep that feeling away.

"Dinner is served," Kallum called out. We'd been mindlessly watching anything that came on while he had been cooking for us. I didn't even feel bad about it.

Grace and I shot up out of our seats and made a beeline so the small dining room around the corner from the kitchen. I sniffed the air when our food was in sight, a small moan escaping me at the same time. I licked my lips and sat down, more than ready to dig in but waited for my friends to sit too.

"This looks and smells delicious, Kal," I commented when we were all seated to which he nodded then dug into his meal.

"We have to get this group project started," Grace said halfway through dinner and Kallum groaned. His fork had grains of rice falling off of it.

"I'm trying to enjoy this lovely meal that a handsome young man prepared."

Grace stuck her tongue out at him and I watched as his eyes darted down to it before meeting her eyes again, "It's weird when you talk about yourself like that." She tried to laugh but her mouth was full.

"Maybe I like being weird."

I chimed in, "Clearly." Then I looked over to Grace, "You're right that we need to get started, plus, we don't know those girls and we don't know how well they work."

Kallum grumbled to himself and his already chubby cheeks were puffed out more with the amount of food he was shovelling into his mouth. He worked hard when it came to school so I didn't mind his nonchalant behave this time. It was me that the two of them should be worried about but I promised myself to do better this semester and was going to force myself to stick to it.

Grace nodded and went back to her dinner and so did I. Kallum finished first, getting up and taking his plate with him.

"I'll wash the dishes," Grace offered when he was walking away, "Can you bring me some juice please?" She added in and it was only then that I realised none of us had brought something to drink.

I called behind Kallum in the sweetest voice possible asking him to bring me whatever he was going to bring for Grace. He did. Less than two minutes later, Kallum returned with two large glasses filled with lemonade. We thanked him and I watched as he and Grace exchanged a look. It wasn't my business so I dismissed it.

We finished our dinner and I went straight for my room to do my homework while Grace went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and Kallum relaxed on the couch watching T.V. I left the door opened allowing the sound from the comedy he was watching to filter into my room. I didn't have much work to do but I preferred to do it early rather than procrastinate and be stressed out like I had been in my first year.

Listening to my friends cackling and teasing each other brought a smile to my face. I didn't think they knew how much they meant to me and how I truly valued our friendship. I still had friends that I went to school with before university but we hardly kept in touch. A lot of the friends I had were friends with my ex and when we broke up, I slowly drifted away from them. It got too difficult for me to keep up with all of them. We were never really that close, to begin with. I wouldn't shed a tear over is though.

I spent the rest of the night reflecting.


Thank you so much for reading my story and getting this far. I really appreciate it :)

Now you know what happened with Jake and Avery last night :D

Let me know your thoughts! Any constructive criticism is welcome. 

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