Chapter 34

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I tugged down my dress before climbing into Theo's car. He glanced over at me with a quick smile and pulled out of the parking space. In a matter of seconds, we were flying down the street. I shifted in my seat one too many times which caught Theo's attention.

"Is something bothering you?"

A sigh passed through my lips. I didn't want to talk about another guy while on a date with him but he was understanding so I said, "I told Jake, the other guy I was talking to, that I didn't want to date anymore. If that's what you'd call dating." The words came out so rushed that I wondered if he even made out anything that was said.

My eyes shifted over to him. He seemed deep in thought. Maybe this was a mistake. I should have kept it to myself. Why was I so stupid? Who in their right mind would just blurt something out like that?

"Are you upset about it?" Theo's voice was so kind and from what I saw on his face, he wasn't upset at all.

"I was thinking for a while now that I've been leading him on and that was the last thing I wanted to do. It's a good thing that we stopped dating."

Theo sighed, glancing at me from the corner of his eye, "Do you think you made the right choice?" I knew exactly what he was omitting.

"No doubt in my mind," I said and twirled my phone around in my hands, "Where are we going?"

"The guys are hanging out at my place. Are you okay with that?"

I laughed and turned in my seat, tucking my leg underneath me to face him properly, "Will there be food?"

His soft chuckle danced with the music playing in the car. This entire time, he was pushing the speed limit. I was growing accustomed to it. I wasn't even nervous anymore, "Yeah, Avery. There's food."

"Then I'm okay with going."

The rest of the car ride was spent singing along to the songs under my breath. I memorised every road and every turn we took. A few minutes later we were pulling up to a cute house with three cars parked out front. The use of both exposed brick and wood gave the outside a cozy feeling but the large windows and glass door gave it a modern tone.

"You live here?" I gasped while unbuckling my seat belt.

Theo got out of the car and I was close behind him, "Yeah. I considered having roommates when I first bought the place but decided that I needed the space.

"Wait, wait, wait. Bought?"

His eyes lit up with amusement as he took my hand into his and led us up to the front door. The car beeped and lights flashed behind us briefly, "I didn't do it on my own... my parents helped me to secure it."

"That's amazing Theo. You literally have your own place. That's what I aim to have someday."

We were at the front door, his hand on the door knob as he said, "You will."

When we stepped inside, the first thing I noticed was the soft music playing then the gorgeous yet simple decor. There weren't many personal touches but somehow it felt exactly like his style. The minimalist vibe was never in the plan for me but I loved the way his place was set up. Cream coloured walls and tan and white furniture filled the space.

Theo led me to the living room where Caleb, Dylan, Nick, Cameron, Leah, Jessica and two other girls were. Bottles of rum, vodka and sprite were on the coffee table along with a stack of plastic cups. The music was a bit louder in here and a quick glance around the room revealed a bluetooth speaker on the stand below the flat screen TV.

"Hey," I greeted with a soft voice. The two girls I didn't know were staring at me which made me tug and the hem of my too-short dress. Nick made it a point to run his eyes along the length of my legs then back up to my face with a broad smile.

"Look who's back," Nick said, pulling Leah closer to him. She grinned at him then turned her smile to me.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "If I knew you were here, I would have stayed home." I joked and sat on the last of the three couches. Theo sat beside me, draping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer to him. The girls finally took their attention away from me and back to the guys they were here with.

"Someone's feisty tonight," He said with a laugh, "A little wound up, are we?" He asked, eyes sparkling with humour.

My mouth opened to respond but Caleb cut in just before the words came out. I had no idea what I was going to tell Nick so maybe I was a little glad about Caleb's interruption.

"What's up Avery?"

My gaze shifted over to him and I smirked as I watched the curly haired girl he was with, kiss from his jawline down to his neck. He was trying hard not to react to it, "Nothing much, you?"

"Well I'm coming up with how to... appreciate Hope tonight," He said. So that was her name. Hope giggled and hid her face in his neck.

Nick cleared his throat loudly, bringing the attention of everyone in the room to him. The glint in his eyes worried me.

"Alright, I'll be honest with you, I'm here to get drunk and to get all of you drunk with me so we're going to go old school with this game."

Theo groaned beside me and whispered to himself, "Not this again." Before I had the chance to ask what he meant, Nick spoke again.

"Never have I ever."

Hope and the other girl perked up immediately. Both of them looked to be around my age. This game wasn't unfamiliar to me, sadly, I was so vanilla that I usually ended the game only being tipsy.

Theo got up and filled both of our cups with rum and sprite. The others already had drinks in their hands

"King's cup can easily get the job done." I offered, not really in the mood to showcase how inexperienced I was.

"True but I want to get to know you ladies a little better so never have I ever done a strip tease,"Nick began and every girl drank including myself. I glanced at Theo and his eyes were wide. The other guys cheered and drank too but I wasn't sure if it was related to the question or not.

Leah sat forward, tapping her fingers on her knee, "Umm... never have I ever had sex on a beach." Nick, Jessica, Dylan, Theo and myself drank.

"Never have I ever..." Caleb paused to think of something he hadn't done, "Cheated."

Everyone except Cameron, Theo and myself drank. I was shocked at the fact that so many of them had cheated on a significant other in the past.

Hope smiled, "Never have I ever peed in a random place." All of the guys drank.

Dylan was up next. His eyes went straight to his brother, a smirk on his lips, "Never have I ever slept with someone else's girlfriend." Caleb flipped his brother off and drank, so did Cameron and Nick.

These questions were real eye-openers. I knew people lived their lives to experiment and have a good time but wow. I wasn't judging, just surprised by the things I found out.

The girl with Dylan was the next to go then Theo and myself, "Never have I ever had a pregnancy scare."

My heart dropped when I realised that I was the only one bringing a cup to their lips. I swallowed my drink and Nick gave me the biggest smile. I refused to look over at Theo.

"Do tell," Nick urged.

All eyes landed on me.


I loved this chapter!! What did you think? Nick is really becoming one of my favourite characters to write :)

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