Chapter 19

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 "Thanks for that," I whispered when we were alone. He didn't lead us to his group of friends, instead, we walked over to a quiet spot on the beach.

I didn't even question why he was there in the first place. My gratitude outweighed any questions I had.

"Anytime. Who was that guy, anyway?" He asked, "You were adamant that he wasn't really your friend.

My mood had fallen further than it had been the entire night. I had to suffer through my best friends making out and Theo being all over a girl. The latter wasn't that big of a deal it was as though everyone had someone except me. I was alone.

There was no need for me to tell him who Nolan was but I wanted to, "He's my ex. We broke up a year ago and I hadn't seen him since, well, until tonight."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I laughed lightly. There was nothing more for me to say about it unless I wanted to burst into tears.

"Mr Hunter, are you worried about me?" I finally looked directly at him. I had been avoiding his gaze the entire time. There was sympathy in his eyes, exactly what I wanted to avoid seeing.

He chuckled but his eyes didn't change, "You just had to remind me that I was your teacher."

"You aren't teaching me right now," Although you could.

Theo shook his head, "Fair enough. Why isn't your boyfriend here?"

"What boyfriend?"

"The guy I saw you with at a couple of parties."

Jake. That's the only person that he could have possibly meant. I shook my head, "He's not my boyfriend. If he was, I wouldn't let Nick be so close to me." I thought back and I only remembered seeing him at the house party, "Where's Cameron, by the way? You asked me if I was interested and I'm at a point in my life where the more guys I can have, the better."

Theo's eyes widened but he replied nonetheless, "You're the first girl that openly admitted to being with multiple guys. Cameron's over there with the others." He pointed at a guy that was kissing a girl. I wasn't able to make out either of their faces, "He's with some girl he just met."

"It's none of my business but you learned way more about me tonight than you needed to so tell me something," I trailed off. He waved his arm to allow me to go on, "Who's that girl that you were with?"

He shrugged, "I don't even know her name."

I chuckled. Everyone was here to have a good time without any strings attached. That's exactly what I needed. Nick's interest in my left as quickly as it came. He spent, at most, twenty minutes with me. In the back of my mind, thoughts of Jake bubbled up. I missed him. He was one guy that actually cared and wanted to be around me for my personality and nothing else.

"Here I was thinking that she was your girlfriend."

Theo bit his lip, his eyes were on my thighs that looked even bigger since my shorts had risen as high as they could go. It looked closer to underwear but I refused to pull it down. His eyes lingered there longer than normal and it made me feel good about myself.

"That's the last thing that I want in my life right now."

No one has ever said truer words. He still hadn't lifted his gaze but it didn't make me uncomfortable. I opened my mouth to ask him something but decided against it. Theo's hair blew in the breeze and he pushed it away from his eyes.

He looked at me, a shy smile gracing his lips, "You look great. I just had to tell you." His eyes had a slight twinkle of hope, or at least that's what I assumed it was.

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