Chapter 3

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    The rest of the week flew by in a blur of drinking every night at home and studying during the day. Friday's Fundamentals of Financial Accounting class was not as bad as I had thought. The teacher, Mr. Tompkins, had reiterated what Mr. Davis had said on Monday. All of my business related courses were so easy compared to the accounting one and having Thursdays completely free of classes was like a breath of fresh air.

I took another swig of the clear liquid in my red cup. Ever sip was chased by a familiar burning but it was a welcomed sensation; the stronger it was, the higher the chance of me getting tipsy faster. Grace coughed softly after every sip she took.

"Don't they have anything a little less, um, strong?" She asked, running her free hand along the front of her neck.

"I'll drink it for you if you're scared." I chuckled as she glared at me.

We'd gone home immediately after class to shower and get dressed. Grace had put her brown hair into two elegant braids with gold clips attached to different parts of the plait. She'd done minimal makeup and choose black shorts and a pink tank top to wear; she looked amazing, there was no doubt about that. I had decided on a skintight, royal blue dress with a plunging neckline that was barely mid-thigh. I'd put on more makeup than Grace minus lipstick.

"I'm not scared but I'd like to be able to taste my food tomorrow," She rolled her eyes and held her hand out to me with the cup dangling from her fingertips, "You can have it. A little courage to help you find a man."

I scoffed and grabbed the cup from her, downing it in one go, "I don't need this to find a man, Sweetie. Unlike you, I actually have game."

"So that's why you're still single?" The mixture of humour and disbelief in her voice didn't go unnoticed, "Your game is too strong for these guys?"

"I'm very selective." I winked with a smile. I looked down into the two cups and notice all of the alcohol was gone so I grabbed Grace's hand and dragged her behind me as we pushed our way through the mass of drunken university students dancing their sorrows away.

When we go to the bar I asked for a beer. As soon as it was handed to me, I put it to my lips and sipped on it while watching the crowd. Every single person I could see had one of the red cups or a beer bottle in their hands and swaying to the music. Most of the guys dancing with the girls had them pressed tightly against them, their hands roaming along the girls' sides. Some of the girls had even grabbed their wrists and held their hands in place on their hips. I smiled at the sight of them controlling the situation.

The music blared from the speakers and the bass shook the floor beneath us but no one seemed to mind that nor the smell of sweat, booze and cheap perfume and cologne mingling heavily in the air. If I was being honest with myself, the more I drank, the less I could smell so after my third beer I was practically floating in bliss.

Through the crowd, Kallum appeared with a wide smile on his face and a red cup in his hand, "Have you seen the girls in this place? They're so hot."

"Ew." I scoffed, scrunching my face in the process, "You need to go back to whatever corner you just came from."

"I agree, and whichever girl you've been talking to, you need to find her 'cause it ain't us." Grace chimed in after taking a long drink of her beer.

Kallum laughed loudly, bending slightly at the waist with the sheer force of it, "I've just been dancing, chill!"

Across the room, I could see Jacob dancing with a brunette who looked like she had one too many drinks but still managed to stand up. I pushed myself up from the bar and dropped a comment to Grace and Kallum about them getting to know each other better while I was gone. I strode across the room, more wobbly than I had intended but nonetheless the distance between Jacob and myself closed. He hadn't seen me approaching, he was too focused on the girl that was doing the absolute most in front of him. I slowly dragged my nails across his back as I walked behind him, settling on standing the side opposite where I had come from.

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