Now I was having lunch with Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ginny, since all four tables were incredibly empty. After we finished desert, a bunch of owls flew over our heads, dropping letters and gifts.

I smiled immediately after I saw my mom's handwriting. They wished me a merry christmas, and told me how much they loved and missed me. They loved my dress to the party, and already framed the photo I sended them.
They gave me a beautiful snake bracelet, and I couldn't wait to try it.

After that, I noticed a red envelope. A howler. My friends tried to hold their laughs, but they failed miserably.
"Kath, my dear!" my mother's voice echoed in the room, making everybody quiet to listen to it "You looked stunning last night! I don't see why you're embarrassed to tell us your boyfriend's name!" I was petrified with shame "You know we'll love him as much as you do! I know you're afraid, that's why I'm sending this howler. So he can listen to it! Oh, I bet you're having breakfast together, holding each other to keep the cold out! Well, my dear if you're hearing this, I made some homemade cookies for you! Please take it! And come visit us on holidays! I won't take a no for an answer! Merry Christmas love birds!"

At this point, everybody in the Great Hall busted into laughs. My face was burning and I swear I just wanted Avada Kedavra myself right now. I heard a few steps behind me, and I shivered when I listened to his voice.
"I'll take my cookies." I didn't even look at him, just pointed to the little box she sent me. He leaned to the table over my head and took them all, leaving with a laugh.

After being teased by my friends, we started to change christmas gifts with each other.

I saw another small black box, with a silver lace evolving it. When I opened it, I gasped in surprise. It was my knickers from last night, but perfectly repaired, and a little note at the side. 'Just to make up for last might.'

I'm gonna kill this guy, I swear.

"What's wrong, Kath?" Ginny asked, looking at me.
"Nothing. Malfoy just sent me a chocolate." I said, closing it and togging in my robe's pocket.
"Chocolate? There's something you want to tell us?"
"No, Mione. It's just because I told him I hate white chocolate. He's just trying to mess with me."
"Don't eat this. Might be poisoned."
"Trust me, I won't." I muttered, looking at him trying to keep myself from jumping on him and choke him with the tape from his little gift.

Draco's POV

Normally, I wouldn't do this kind of thing, but after last night, she left me with no choice.

Our night was great from the beginning. Obviously we have our differences, but none of our arguments was serious. I felt so comfortable talking to her, we've never talked without teasing or cursing each other like we did during dinner. She's not like my friends, I could hear her talking about nothing for hours.

I always knew she was pretty. Since day one at hogwarts I thought she was beautiful, and we would be the perfect pair, if she wasn't treating Potter like some kind of fucking hero. After she started to hang out with them, I lost respect for her. But I couldn't deny it, she was getting hotter every year.

But last night? She was insanely beautiful. I felt proud to walk her around. She was the prettier person out there, everyone knows that. Even though she doesn't take my shit like Pansy, she's definitely a good date. I almost complained when she said she wanted to leave.

Thank God I didn't.

For fuck's sake, she's out of this world.

The way her skin shined in the dark light of the room made me feel dizzy. I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to forget the sounds she made because of me. I still have little scars she left at my lower back, and I know that if I take her clothes off, I'll see little marks I left on her breasts.

She was addicting.

I could kill to feel this every day.

It just pissed me off when she said she doesn't want people to know. I mean, I don't want either, but why would I want it? If my friends know, I'll never hear the end of this. But what's her excuse?

I knew she was going to get pissed with my little gift. But it's so easy to get on her nerves. I can't help it.

She turned her head to look at me, her brown eyes piercing me angrily.

Harvey thinks I don't know that she wants me again. She thinks I can't see the desire behind her anger, but she's not fooling anybody.

I know for sure that if we were alone she would yell at me like crazy. If eyes could kill, I would be so dead right now. It wasn't her intention, obviously, but her face made me smirk. I winked at her and if Granger hadn't stolen her attention, she would definitely jumped on me and killled me.

Annoying her is definitely my new favourite hobby.

But the truth is, I can wait to fuck her again.

Hope you enjoy it!

Guys, I have to remember you, things won't happen the same way they happened at the book or the movies. There will be some parts in commom, but I'll adjust it so they fit in my story.

Please lmk what you think, your comments really help me keep going! And also lmk if there's any typo so I can correct it as soon as possible!

See you!

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