Countryhumans but in Among Us

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"Alright alright let's not fight I killed him, I killed them both just vote me off guys-" France cut in Japan's screeching, standing up and snatching her pink tablet from her hands, going to the voting area and pressing on their name, ready to push the green check mark.

"NO-" Britain snatched it back, standing up as well. He grabbed their shoulder and shoved them down, making France sit down again. He pressed both hands on the table, looking around the table at all of them. "I'm going to ask again, Who, killed them?"

Nobody answered, all looking down at their hands or playing with their suits. America cleared his throat, pulling his red plushie down to his lap and adjusting its cowboy hat, with was identical to his own, but small to fit the miniature head. "Dad, 'Nada and Ger's been awfully quiet-"

"ReALLY?" Canada exclaimed first, the plant on his head bouncing as he slammed his hands on the table and stood up, which made America stand up as well, yelling with his hands. Which then made France try to cut in again, and then all of them were up and screaming.

Germany and Canada were shouting at America, while Japan tried to pull them both back, while America just looked at them, trying not to be intimidated by the combined powers of angry French, German and English being thrown at him.

Italy just continued crying about his mournful loss of his love, while throwing in his two cents of accusing and screaming at any one who was nearby. Britain let France comfort pet his dog, while trying to calmly diffuse the anger.

No one noticed a black shadow creep away from the cafeteria, and then hop into a vent.

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America panted heavily, skidding and making a hard turn down another hallway. The lights were slowly dimming, and he turned on his suit's light, stopping to catch his breath.

His red mini astronaut plushie was held tightly in the crook of his arm, and he hugged it tiredly. Japan was dead, he saw her body, but he couldn't report because tHE IMPOSTOR WAS CHASING HIM-

His own hope now was to get to the emergency button back in cafeteria. "Ha...we'll win this, right tiny crewmate?" He huffed, looking into the shielded helmet of his child. He probably needed a name, maybe Billy would be nice-

He heard heavy footsteps behind him, and turned around. Russia was standing there, his black suit spattered with blood, and his knife glinted red as well. He grinned creepily and started to walk.

America screeched in terror, and took off full speed again, holding on to Billy by the leg, his small cowboy hat hanging on by the string. America didn't even get to hold on to his own hat, and it fell off his head, hanging on by the string around his neck.


"AmE?" Germany shouted and ran out from O2, looking in surprise as he shot pass.

"RUN GER, HE'S GAINING ON US-" He screeched. Germany turned to look and came face to chest with the impostor. He stared as Russia glowered down at him, knife at ready and eyes red from the impostor alien taking control of his body.

"...моя любовь..." He said softly, his eyes reverting back to blue as he lowered the knife. Germany looked up to meet his gaze hopefully, maybe he wouldn't kill him. Russia looked lovingly back at him, smiling kindly.

"...Мне жаль-"

"AHHH NO GERRR!!!" America screamed as the impostor's eyes turned back red and his grin widened evilly again, stabbing him multiple times in the back and killing him. He stopped running, knowing that because of the cooldown, Russia couldn't hurt him now.

What was he doing, he had to press the emergency button, he had to avenge all his friend's death! Now was his chance!! He turned heel and continued running as fast as he could, the cafeteria was right in front of him! Suddenly, he slammed into another person.

"DAD!! HURRY UP WE GOTTA PRESS THE EMERGENCY BUTTON IT'S RUSSIA!" He shouted, grabbing Britain's hand and trying to drag him along.

"I know."

"WHA- What do you mean you know?!?"

"And I'm afraid I can't let you do that-" Britain said in a monotonous voice, no trace of his accent. Black tentacles came out from the collar of his dark blue suit and he turned to look at Ame, eyes red, just like Russia.


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Ame flopped down on his bed as his screen turned red, and the words 'Defeat' came up on top of his and his friends' ghosts. Japan's annoyed groans came from their Discord call, along with Sweden's and Canada's mournful wails.

France was screaming in French at their husband, who was silently grinning in his victory, his happiness seen through camera. Russia was cackling, sending high five emojis to Britain through the chat box. Germany's video was empty, he had got up and left.

"Damn it Bretaña, the silent killer." Spain groaned, with a smile on his face. Italy huffed, annoyed at how easily he had managed to kill his boyfriend right at the beginning of the game, leaving him all alone. 

Suddenly it was Russia's turn to screech in fear, as Germany entered his room in their house and pummeled him with a pillow. "HOW COULD YOU KILL ME. YOUR. BOYFRIEND. EVLL-"

"All's fair in love and Among Us, Germany." Britain defended his fellow impostor's actions, grinning as he watched him continue to hit the screaming country with the pillow.

Russia laughed as he held up his arms, blocking off the soft blows. He smirked and acted quickly, grabbing the pillow and pulling Germany into his lap, giving him a sharp, quick kiss. Germany pulled back in shock, staring at him, and then grabbed his face to kiss him again, tilting his head to go deeper.

"Ewww get a room-"

"Way to continue making some of us feel more single, ドイツ-"

"Spagna il mio amore I miss youuu..."

"I know mi amor I miss you too-"

"I'm stuck in Milan and I'm very alone-"

"Want me to call you later to help you?"



"Big talk for the country that made Por-"


*Sweden has left the call*



This was so much fun to write-

I wrote it during online class ahahaha-

Byi thank you for reading! :3

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