Chapter Eleven-I:Go Out With Me..

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It has been almost one month of their marriage but still they're still the old Lisa and jungkook like they were one months before... Lisa goes out of their house frequently and returns in the evening... If Jungkook asks her any questions about her whereabouts then they start fighting for no reason.. That's why Jungkook has stopped asking her about anything regarding her.. He always does the household work, be it cooking, cleaning or anything... She only washes her clothes and dishes.. She does her breakfast and dinner outside as she eats only 2 meals per day..

But recently Jungkook appointed a maid to do the cleaning stuffs of the house as besides cooking and washing his clothes he also needs to pass his academics with flying marks..Jungkook doesn't like anyone to touch his clothes..and only this thing is common between Jungkook and Lisa as both doesn't like any other person touch or wash their clothes so they clean their clothes by themselves...

But still after a month of torturing jungkook he still didn't divorced her.. He's bearing all her bullies without even saying anything...He didn't even complained about her to her parents or his family..

Before it wasn't affecting Lisa as from past few days she was torturing him non stop not letting him sleep or study peacefully at home.. Even she can't sleep too but to get a divorce from Jungkook she's taking a risk from past few days.. She takes sleeping pills to sleep.. But still she can't get sleep that easily because of loud music so that's why she sleeps during daytime when jungkook goes out..

But now she was having realisation that she had already gone too far with her tactics of pressing him down.. And that realisation was kind of affecting her, As now she was getting sympathetic feelings towards jungkook, when she sees that he endures all her bluster without complaining just because he promised his family to stay together with her .. She's having mixed feelings regarding this...

Lisa was watching TV looking straight at it.. But from a second person's point of view.. Though she was watching tv with full focus but her mind was somewhere else..She was thinking something deep inside her mind.. And the subject of that thought was jungkook!

What should I do now to let him..let go of me?What big thing should I do to make him hate me.. I have been trying so hard to make him hate me from past month, still he's just normal.. Like I'm not doing anything to him or I'm not effecting him in any way... Should I ask bammie?...Also It has been so long I haven't talked to him... Thinking this she took out her phone and dialed bambam's number..

One ring... Two ring... Three ring....

"Sorry the number you have called is busy now, please try to call later.. Thank you" Came the voice of a women out from that line and hearing that Lisa ceases her brows...

She tried calling a few time more.. But still that irritating voice with the same words in a loop, "Sorry the number you have called is busy now, please try to call later.. Thank you" Was eating her head up ... She snickers mockingly..

Huh bammie head!! You dared to cut my call right! Now you will see I won't call you ever!!! and with that she threw her phone on the sofa, literally glaring at the tv...

But just after a few seconds later, her phone ranged up and she smirked victoriously..

"Heh I knew you would call me.. " Saying this she picked up her phone.. But after seeing the caller ID she became blank.. It was so unexpected for her that she kept looking at the ID for a few seconds more...

Sehun ❤

With the name her phone ranged again and this time she picked it up hastily..

"Hello... " She replied in a roused tone..

"Lalisa how are you? " Came his voice from his side...

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