Chapter Three-I:Truth Untold

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Seoul, DIU University

Jungkook's POV

After our conversation we went back to our class... Before going into the class miyeon held my hand.. I was taken aback for a moment .. Nevertheless I signalled bts that I'll come later and they got in with a teasing smile on their lips..

She leaded me the way and I quietly obliged her as it has been a long time since we got alone together like this moment..

After a few steps we stopped under a tree situated at the Left corner side of the Uni field...She made me sit on the bench and she sat down next to me holding my hand Carresing and putting her head on my shoulder ..i let her do whatever she's doing..I quietly sat there absentminded looking at the basketball court where a few boys were practicing...

"I really missed this jungkook.. *Sighing* Really missed this."

"..... "

"Are you worried about the festival? "

" *sigh* kind of "

"Don't worry.. Everything will be fine.. "

"..... "


" Hm.. "

"Is everything ok? "


"Is everything alright back home? "


"If you don't mind may I ask you something? "


"Can I kiss you ? "

Scene Skip To BIUB, Bangkok

"Hey Honey " Lisa chirped being cheeky and bam bam Spilled out his coffee which he just sipped.. He immediately smelled danger lurking around him..

"Honey? Lalisa is it you?"

"Who else? "

"No one..i was surprised seeing a different number.."

"Oh it's bammie's phone I'm using"

"Oh..Where are you right now? " Came a reply from the other side..

"Um at BIUB canteen... Can you come right now? I need to talk to you.. "

"Sorry Lalisa I'm about to go in for an audition right now.. I can't come at the moment you see.. " Sehun replied and Lisa made a sad face...

"Yep.. Ok... "

"Yeah .. I'm hanging up its my turn now.. "

"Do.. *already hanged up* well " She couldn't even complete the sentence before he hanged up...but she was still holding the phone in that position for a few more minutes making it look like she was still talking with him...She looked down and bam bam got curious about their convo..

"See it's the 1000th time he refused you on phone.. I don't know why you give him so much importance " An irked bam bam spoke.. Lisa doesn't know why bambam doesn't like Sehun.. He's such a sweetheart..

"Can you not be so salty? "

"I can't help if it's him... " He rolled his eyes..

"What's your problem..Why are you like this to him? " Lisa couldn't help but ask..

"Nothing.. What did he said this time? Why can't he come here? "

"He has gone for an audition.."

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