Chapter Seven-II:Barbarian Wife

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"Hyung hyung are you okay? Did you face an accident? I'm coming I'm coming please wait for me don't die don't die hyung.. I'm coming"

"...... "

"Hyung? Hyung.. Why aren't you saying anything?"

"..... "

"Hyung are you already no more? NOOOO HYUNG!!! " taehyun started wailing..

"LALISA ARE YOU CRAZY?? " Jungkook looked up at Lisa who was snorting ...

"HYUNG what happened? Why are you shouting? "

"Taehyun SHUT UP..and no need to come.."

"Huh? "

"I'll call you later bye I need to deal with someone right now!! " Jungkook furiously uttered looking at Lisa who was still snickering..

After ending the call abruptly jungkook looked up where Lisa was standing in front of the foremost staircase with a bucket..

So the thing happened that jungkook was talking with taehyun while coming inside when he was about to step on the staircase Lisa emptied a full bucket of water on jungkook..

What raged jungkook was that the water that was emptied upon him wasn't of normal temperature water instead it was lukewarm water..

He wouldn't have been that angry if it was just any normal day but that day was a very hot day.. He was dying sweating and on top of that tepid water unexpected bath was just too intolerable.. That's why he was so angry..

"Lisa what's this new lark of yours? Do you think it's funny?"

"Why? Isn't it funny? How did you like to get a shower without even entering the bathroom?" Lisa replied sniggering..

"Warm water Lisa? Seriously?During this hot weather?Where do you get such ideas? " Jungkook asked while shrugging his body which was useless because water was already soaked in his clothes ....

"Ah my master brain is enough for such ideas.. "

"And why did I received this special treatment? " Jungkook asked Crossing his hands near his chest..

"Why did you touched my bag? " She replied angrily..

What? It was all because he touched her bag? Is she serious? Who does this for such a trivial thing..

"Lisa just because I touched your bag you will do this to me? "

"That's not important.. The foremost important thing is what. You. Did. To. My. Babies ? "


"What?? Where did this baby come from? "

"My bear bottles.. I mean Beer bottles.. What did you do to them? " She asked..

The realization dawned upon jungkook and he smirked..Only you don't have any tricks up your sleeves..Two can play the game too Lisa...

"Oh those? The washbasin gulped it down ..hawww what to do now" Jungkook smirked..

"YOU how dare you? "

Saying this Lisa rushed stepping on the stairs.. but as the saying goes Karma is a b!tch she faltered on the 2nd last stair and jungkook seeing her rushing through the stairs got concerned for her and he too rushes to reach out to her But as the floor was wet so it got kind of slippery...

Because of the wet floor and a flying Lisa came on top of him he couldn't control his steps and fell down on the floor flat with Lisa on top...


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