Chapter Eight-II:Lark

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After teaching jungkook a lesson which was giving him an unexpected shower with water she went out to buy her babies... She roamed around the locality to get familiar with it.. After reaching the end of a lane she faced the mart that was filled with people's chatters.. Thankfully it was closer to the house..

She kept checking out the stalls filled with various stuffs.. She wasn't a shopping person so while passing through the stalls facing various stuffs sorted on the table her expressions kept changing time to time from being confused to mazed to bemused to overwhelmed ....

Finally after exploring the mart she finally went to the shop that she came for all the way...

She was about to go inside the shop but someone called her...

"Lisa? " A person called her out sounding unsuspicious... She turned around and by seeing that person her happiness skimped through her face...

"ROSE!!!!! " Lisa rushed to rose and hugged her tightly...

After breaking the hug they looked at each other and their lips were adorned with a bright smile...

"How long have you been here in Seoul lisa? And why didn't you tell me that you were here? " Rose playfully smacked her shoulder and questioned her...

"Aah almost 1 week " Saying this Lisa backed away from rose and rose's eyes turned into
(•ˋ _ ˊ•) ...

"Lisa you b!tch " Saying this she prepared to chase her.. Hitherward Lisa partially screeching fled away from rose amainly..

Now here starts the pursue..

Rose chased her and she kept running.. Both were enjoying the chase genuinely.. After running for quite a while rose became exhausted and started panting breathlessly....

"Lisa *huff huff* wait let's sit here... " Saying this she sat on a bench in a park... Lisa came and sat beside her smilingly panting..

"I'm sorry rosie.. " Lisa looked at her and she again huffed..

"Sorry not accepted.. You were in Seoul and you didn't even bothered to tell me.. " Rose looked the other way...

" *sigh* it's a long story rose... You can't even imagine this week has been like a living hell to me.. " Lisa looked at a direction while speaking to her..

"Huh? Is it? I have a lot of time so elaborate what are you trying to say... " Saying this rose looked at Lisa and Lisa saw that rose was determined to know what happened to her and laughed inwardly seeing her look...

And Lisa started explaining what happened to her in this week....

After the explanation rose stood up screeching and Lisa closed her ears with the hands..

"WHAT? you're married Lisa? " Rose again asked her to confirm..

"Unfortunately yes.. " Lisa sighed..

"Who's he? How's he? Is he good? Does he treats you well ? If not I'll tighten up his screw just tell me his name once " Saying this rose started pulling up her invisible Coller and stood to march towards her husband whom she doesn't even know..

Before she could do anything Lisa pulled rose down and locked her hand with her..

"Don't worry he wouldn't even dare.. Don't you know me? " Lisa snickers..

"Of course.. I really feel pity for him.. Haha " Rose looked ahead...

"But Lisa is it okay to bully him? Why are you doing this for? And Lisa I want to tell you something hope you won't mind.. " Lisa looked at rose who suddenly got serious.. But either way she nodded for her to continue..

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