Chapter Twenty-I: Revealed Truth

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"Remove this at once while I am saying politely." Jungkook said in a stern tone that made Lisa stop her laugh and gulp her saliva a bit nervously. But after a few seconds, Lisa started laughing hard making Jungkook confused. Pulling his leg was so easy.

Jungkook was looking at Lisa's pretty laugh but this time his gazes weren't the same as before. This time his stares were radiating love. His heart was feeling another kind of satisfaction. 

Lisa finally stopped laughing and sat down to catch her breath... Jungkook was staring at her with that bright colored lipstick on his lips.

 Lisa looked at him and again started laughing hard. This time, Jungkook too laughed with her finding himself funny too.

"Lisa, please remove it fast, we are really late. " He said after stopping his laugh a bit. And she nodded still chuckling. 

"Wait for a minute. " Saying this she went towards the washroom sneakily taking her phone with her, and he sat there being helpless.  He picked his phone beside the bedrest table and started scrolling through boringly. 

Lisa fished out her head from the washroom stealthily without showing her body outside, she stealthily clicked some of his picture on the pretense of going to the washroom. 

After completing her mission, she triumphally went towards the dressing table and dabbed some makeup removal micellar water to a cotton pad saturating it and held it on his lips for a few seconds. 

Jungkook was looking down on his phone, but she suddenly came and lifted his head keeping her palm under his chin. By her right hand she was holding a cotton pad stuck on his lips.

The gap between them was close and he was surprised by her sudden action. However, he kept his calm and let her do her task. 

After completing her task, he dumped the cotton pad into the dustbin, Jungkook on reflex touched his lips which felt a bit cold to him. 

He still had the faint stain from the lipstick, but they were complimenting his feature. His lips were looking plump due to the faint cherry color.

"Okay, you're done. Let's go." Lisa said while picking up her purse and striding out taking long steps. Jungkook patted his chest trying to calm his beating heart tagging along behind her slowly.


"Ah Yes, she did come to fetch me from the airport... No, unfortunately we could not meet. She had something to attend to. Yeah, she did inform me. She was sorry that she could not pick me up. Nonetheless, I had somewhere to go to. So, we are even. " Sehun was talking on his phone. He was engrossed in the conversation that he didn't notice that his manager Somi was behind me waiting for him to finish. 

"Of course, you know her how she is right? She is one of the most caring persons I have ever known. And she really loves me, and I do too. Don't worry about me. We are doing just fine. Just take care of mom back there. Next time we get together, we'll facetime you. Bye, take care." Saying this he cut the call and looked behind to see Somi looking at him with an unrecognizable look. 

"So, this is the reason you are not able to concentrate on your job! As you are 24/7 on your phone!" Somi lashes out while standing. Meanwhile he rolled his eyes putting his phone down on the table. 

"Are you serious? It was my sister on the phone. Now don't I even have the right to talk with my own sister?" He said in a cold tone and Somi looked a bit composed from her earlier state.

 "It was your sister this time. But what about other times? You are busy with your girlfriend all the time on the phone." Somi chided. 

"I have said this before too that's none of you concern. " Sehun said this in a nonchalant tone which made Somi furious.

Sapphire Moonlight(Liskook)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ