Chapter Twenty One -III: Falling

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Jungkook washed the bean sprouts and watercress, and then julienne the carrot. And then cut them into pieces and then minced the garlic. Meanwhile, Lisa was done washing the rice, by Jungkook's instructions she put the rice into the rice cooker and then stood beside him watching him cut the vegetables. 

"Jungkook, should I help you with something else?" Lisa asked hopefully but he remained silent ignoring her. 

"Jungkook are you angry with me? " Lisa asked directly. His silence had started irking her already. 

"Nothing's like that. You are thinking way too much." he said in a flat tone. Lisa understood the hidden taunt in the sentence.  

By now, the water he had set to blanch was boiling.

He started blanching the bean sprouts for about 5 minutes. While he was about to remove the vegetable with a slotted spoon to a colander to drain Lisa tried to do that instead of him.

"Let me do it Jungkook, you go and cook the beef."

"Leave it, or else you might get hurt...."

"NO, I won't, give me..."

"Lisa..." before he could completely take over the pot, some hot water spilled on his hand due to the tug of both. 

Jungkook hissed due to the water and Lisa got shocked and left the pot for Jungkook to take. 

He kept the pot down on the counter immediately and started blowing air on his injury. She rushed to see him, but he instant showed her his palm implying to stop on her spot. Lisa was dumbfounded by his behavior. 

He then put his hand under the faucet running cold water on the injury to ease the burning sensation. Meanwhile Lisa stood beside him watching without doing anything. 

After that he skillfully blanched and drained the water from the vegetables and then stir fried them to crunch.

 After that, he turned up the heat to high. Added the ground beef to the pan, and brown, breaking up the beef into smaller pieces. Stirred in the soy sauce. Meanwhile, in a separate skillet, cooked the eggs sunny side up, leaving the yolks runny.

Although Lisa was hurt by his earlier behavior couldn't help but gapped seeing him cook like a Michelin chef. She was amazed by his speed of cooking.

After finishing cooking everything, he divided the cooked rice among two bowls, and topped it with the beef, seasoned watercress, seasoned bean sprouts, cooked carrots, kimchi, and egg. Served it with a good dollop of gochujang, and a sprinkling of toasted sesame seeds.

Seeing the cooked food in front of her, her mouth watered. Jungkook turned towards her and saw her looking at him expectantly. He took his own bowl and left hers on the counter. He turned and started going towards his room taking a glass of water. 

Lisa was too stunned to speak by his behavior. If it was some other time, he would've gushed about his skill, flaunting it to her. But seeing him so nonchalant about everything made her realize that she really has hurt him big time. 

She first thought not to eat his cooking but the food in front of her was mouthwatering. She couldn't help that greed. 

The happening was just an example of the stuff happened with them for the past few days. Jungkook kept passive ignoring her despite her will to talk. This has been happening since that night. 

Lisa was eating the dinner made by Jungkook, but her mind was clouded by the memories of their past. 

They would have so much fun before and bicker a lot. But because of that night, an invisible wall was created between them. Lisa sometime would feel like chocked on her emotion while eating, but she controlled herself. 

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