Chapter Five-IV:Tendentious Wedlock

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Lisa's POV

"Lalisa please forgive me please I really love you please forgive me...You knew that I had to do it for my family.. If I wouldn't have did it then my family would have been on streets already... Please try to understand me lalisa... "

"But why you didn't tell me about this sehun? You even had a deal with my father without me knowing anything... You've deceived me how can I trust you back again sehun? "

"I'm sorry lalisa please give me some time please some time to settle down and... "

" How much? "

"Huh? "

"How much time do you need sehun? "

"5 years lalisa"

"Huh 5 years ? I'm getting engaged tomorrow and I'm flying back to Seoul tonight.. DO YOU THINK DAD WILL LET ME WAIT FOR FIVE FREAKING YEARS JUST LIKE THAT? Gosh!!! "

"What? You're getting engaged tomorrow? "

"Happy realization" *Sarcastically*

"...... "

"Why you became quiet? Say something!!You want me to wait but I don't have that time to give you sehun "

"Do whatever your dad says..agree to your father.."


"Think rationally lalisa"

"I can't sehun.. What the freaking hell are you saying.. I came here fighting with my dad and here you're telling me to get married... "

"Lalisa look if you agree to your father then he won't bother me again then I'll be able to work diligently for you.. On the other side when you get married try to break the marriage after some time..

So when the divorce comes from the other party rather than you then your father won't have any choice but to keep you with him.. You're getting it right? "

"What are you trying to tell sehun I'm not getting it.."

"Baby you please try to break off the marriage and just try to wait for me for five years.. That's all.. So when I get the full company I will marry you and we will have our own family in future.. You just keep supporting me... Please bear this marriage for 5 years for me.. "

"Sehun that's not right.. What are you freaking telling me to do... How can I stay in this for literally 5 years? Do you think 5 year's a joke? "

"No.. Of course not lalisa.. I'm saying this because if you remain in this bond of marriage then your father won't bother me again thinking we have already broken up so he won't do anything to me.. And I'll take advantage of that and will try to grow in my career better.. "

"Sehun this doesn't make sense... If the guy I'll marry try to take advantage of me? If he forces me? Won't you feel bad? "

"I guarantee you that won't happen ever"

"What! How can you guarantee such things? "

"a normal person won't like a tomboy even for a bit.. " *sehun murmured*

"Uh what did you said? I didn't heard you clearly"

"Nothing nothing.. Babe I gotta go.. I need to hurry but please do listen what I said ok.. And I don't want you to be an hinderence in my path to career .. So please support me in it ok ? "

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