Chapter Six-I:It's A Mess!!!!

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The gloaming twilight had already taken a dusky look... The gloamworms were flying here and there around the house nonchalantly...

Amidst the tranquility a car pulled off..Lisa got down of the car as soon as the car stopped without waiting for jungkook....After getting down she looked at the house which was gonna be her own from now on...

The structure of the house was not that very aristrocatic but it was not less distinguished..The formation was structured by using dark teak and bricks... The pillers were beautifully enshroud by shaped bricks and the roof was bespread by brick welders... Just by standing outside of it she could feel the cozy vibe the house was emitting...

"Lisa.. Let's go inside.. "

Jungkook had already parked the car in the underground parking lot which was just beside the house threshold...lisa spare a look at him..He was holding the handle of her baggage with his left hand and the right hand was in his pocket..

"Yeah... "

She started to go in but the dress was kind of long and as it was like the first time of Lisa wearing such dress she couldn't walk properly with it... Jungkook saw her discomforts so when Lisa was walking he was behind her half bended holding the dress's hem in a levitating position saving the dress from being dirty...

When Lisa reached out to the door then she looked behind and saw that jungkook was holding towards the end of the gown.. When he saw that she was giving him a scrutinizing look he awkwardly softly landed the gown on the clean grass...

"Um... That place before was kind of dirty and your white gown might had gone dirty so.... " *scratching his neck awkwardly.. *

She nodded.. She tried to open the door but it was locked... She looked backwards to jungkook and again gave a look...

"What? "

He looked confused.. He wasn't holding her gown anymore so still why's he receiving looks again?

She was still like this →😑

He squinted the situation and the realization dawned upon him...

"Oh.... "

Damn jungkook you stupid!!!! You guys are standing outside because the door is locked..Pabo...

He hurriedly started searching for the door keys in his pockets..

"Jungkook can you hurry up!!! "

"Oh SH!T!!!! "

"now WHAT! "

"Um.. I left the keys on the car..."

Saying this he hopped to the underground parking lot..

"Aishhh!!! Stupid..can this guy be better!!!"

After a minute or so he came back huffing a little..

"Sorry.. " He started to open the door ..

"Doesn't this door have password protection?aish who uses keys now! "

"Mm the house is not that luxurious.. I promise I will buy you a more luxurious house after joining the company...i wish to buy the house with my own earned money in future...Can you please now adjust with this house only Lisa? " ...

"Huh.. Why would you buy me a house... If it's bought by your money then it will be yours right..You don't have to be that considerate to me okay.."

"It's not being considerate.. Whatever I own it's yours.. And moreover you're now my wife.. So I have to be responsible for you in every sphere of our life from now on..."

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