Chapter Seven-III:Shabu Shabu's Daddy

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Lisa's POV

Huh how dare that weasel throw my babies on the sink.. I hope he got his lesson.. If not then I'm always there to snub him...

*ring* *ring*

Someone's call broke her trance of cursing jungkook..

"Hey Bammie "

"What's up..Where are you? " A cheerful bam bam asked Lisa..

"Uh I'm shopping right now.. " She made an excuse.. He wouldn't let her live if he knew she was buying her babies... I.e her alcohol bottles..

"I get it that you're shopping but where are you shopping? Let's meet.. " Bambam proposed a meet...

Oh fvck!!!!

"Umm.. Bammie that.. I'm afraid can't happen.." She stuttered without him finding out..

"Why? Are you busy with your girl gang?"Bam bam sound pensive..

"Why did you think so? " She raised her brows...

"You're shopping so obviously jennie might be with you.. That Gucci women.. " He said in a duh-tone...

"Yah.. " She charged at him for calling her ladybitch Gucci women...

"Okay okay now come let's meet.. I didn't see you for so long.. Let's meet and have a blast.. I'll pay for it.. " He sounded excited..

"Obviously it will be you to pay .. But.. " She didn't completed her sentence..

"Hey harpy at least say that you will pay for once.. Everytime I pay.. At least share some money .. Always I be your errand boy... " He criticized her on her face...

".... " She didn't said anything which bambam found weird...

"Wait why are you so quiet? You seems a bit off..Before you used to charge at me if I did call you with names.. is Everything okay lis? " He sounded worried because it was not the Lisa he knew..

"Um.. Bam I'm not in Thailand.. " She said..

"Oh where are you? Wait what? You're not in Thailand? Where are you then? Korea? "He nonchalantly said..

"How did you know? " She got curious..

"I had met your so-called boyfriend yesterday.. He told me you're abroad..and by abroad I know he meant South Korea because your dad have his business there Maybe you guys are there for some business tour or something.... " He rolled his eyes..

"You grew some brains...good..and oh Sehun told you? Um.. How's he? " She meeked..

"How's he? What did you mean by that?Obviously he looked good then he might be fine.." He was getting peeved...

"Oh so he's doing well without me.. " She meekly replied..

"Then what do you expect? You're in Seoul and he's in Thailand do you want him to wail for you? You're coming back in a few days right so chill why will he be sad.. I think you're the one who's being sad.. " He wanted to smack her head for being a blockhead to love that guy...

"Who told you I'll be back in a few days? " She charged at him..

"You aren't?" He sounded unsure..

"No" She sassed..

"What? " He questioned..

"I've already broken up with him.. We're not together.. " She replied him nonchalantly..

"Wait what?? " He got shocked...

"And also I'm married.. " She was sounding way too much pococurante..

Sapphire Moonlight(Liskook)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon