Chapter Fifteen-I

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A/N:Okay,First things first,I'm alive..My house had gone under renovation and me along with my family had to change home and come back after the work was partially done.There are still some pending work remaining too,but not like the prior busy schedules I had..So I will try to update more continuous than before..
Enjoy reading💜


Jungkook was peacefully sitting on a bench,beneath a banyan tree.His whole being fills up with emmense serenity whenever he looks around at those lively green leaves,that fills up the whole surrounding with its greenish beauty.

<Ah!Sometimes this greenish stagnancy,filled with tranquillity,is really amazing for one's metaphysical peace.>

But unfortunately,his comfort didn't lasted long.It broke as soon as the tigress roared.


He flinched hearing his name out loud.It only took him a heartbeat to perceive that,it was Lisa.

Unbeknownst to him,his heart started palpilating.Because,that roar wasn't something he hears every day.Also,if this kind of hubbub comes out of her mouth for him,he only gulps his saliva.Because,this type of calling had a purpose.which only meant..trouble!

He looked at the direction where he heard her yell his name.Then he noticed her taking steps towards him,directly marching towards his spot..She had her left hand in a fist,and her right hand carried some books against her right upper chest side supporting them securely.Moreover,She was walking with an unreadable expression,he felt an undeniable dark aura emanating out of her as she came forward..

After she came closer,he perceived her to be looking angry..

But the question was,what was she angry at?

To be specific,who was she angry at?

He thought hard.Was it because he slammed those books infront of her face?

Well,if that was the reason,then It should be him instead of her in that position..It should have been him,who should be angry.He did that book slam beause of her doing.So rationally he was innocent.He has no fault here.So he shouldn't be fearful of her.

Thinking this,he stood confidently.Totally ready to confront her.He had the look of 'Come at me girl.'

Soon Lisa stood in front of his face, straightly looking at his eyes.She was shooting daggers through her eyes.Both stayed in that position for some seconds.

"There was no need to yell,I have a pair of healthy ears.I do hear clearly..And I think it's better for us if we keep IT a secret.",He said in his low deep voice.

"We will discuss about that matter later.Before that,explain this first.From when did you became such a big pervert!Or you always have been like this?",Lisa said making Jungkook suprised.

"What?!What are you talking about?Pervert and me?!",He asked in a disbelieving tone.

"Not only pervert.You are also a dirty minded jerk!",Lisa expressed in a slightly disgusting tone,testing the boy's patience.

"Lisa don't question about my character like this.What do you know about me?",Jungkook uttered while grinding his teeth trying to suppress his anger.

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