Chapter Eight-I:Bullying the So-called Husband

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Sitting by the fire burner jungkook was engrossed in completing his Project.. He was so occupied by the job that he even forgot the sense of time...

After writing the final allusion he closed the nib and removed his study glass off his eyes...He looked at his watch... It was past 8...

He went out of the study room and was welcomed by darkness..

He abruptly halted and turned on the lights..The hall illuminated brightly.. He guessed out that except him no one was at home...

"Lisa.. Lisa are you back" He called out for her but all he got was silence.. his forehead got curved..While going upstairs he kept calling for her name but only his own voice was echoing around.. His heartbeat started pacing faster .. He rushed to her room but her room was fully dark..

After that he checked out her bathroom, guest room, lawn overall he checked every nook and corners but she wasn't at home...

Though it was not That late yet but still he started feeling restless for her.. He picked up his phone and car keys and rushed out to look for her...

He didn't even locked up the main door properly all he could think was of her.. What If she was in any trouble that's why she's not back yet.. She doesn't even know the locality properly and that was eating him up... He was about to sit on the car he saw a figure.. After a while he realises it's Lisa ..

When Her silhouette came rampant.. He noticed a plastic bag filled with beer cans on her left hand and her right hand had a wine bottle..

Is she a pure drunkard or what? Does she drinks 24 hours?

Jungkook was feeling wronged.. His anger was rising..It has been more than 10 hours she's out of his sight and she didn't even informed him about her whereabouts...

"Oh jungle book you're out here to escort me inside? " Lisa mockingly questioned him..

"Where have you been! " He replied suppressing his ramp. . .

"That's none of your concern" Uttering this shoving his shoulder by her own she went inside the house without paying any attention..

Jungkook stood their looking down...

Jungkook calm down calm down.. It will pass it will pass with time.. Stay calm..

He minded his own self...Heaving a sigh he went inside to see her walking upstairs jiggling her beer cans..

He went into his room and thumped on his bed...He called taehyun to know about their whereabouts and chatted with him for some time.. After that he dilly dally'ed some time in his phone and then again laid flat on his bad ...

"hello yes uncle how are you?..

Huh? Uncle?Lisa was talking with uncle? He raised his head to confirm..

....yes we are doing well......there's no's aunty and taehyun?.......ah yes taehyun had called me previously to inform me about your vacation........i hope you guys are enjoying.........that's great to hear......"

He got amazed and sat down from his previous position..His ears sharpened hearing her speak on her phone .. It was clear that she was talking with his uncle outside his room . Guest room ..

Suddenly His left eye twitched.. Jinx... It's a jinx. . He could sense he's going to suffer because of her.. He was getting that vibe... His heart started pacing fastly hearing her sugar coated words..

He stealthily went near his door..from there he could hear her clearly... He raised his ear more to hear better..

"Oh no no uncle.. We are doing good... He's really caring.. "

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