Biggest Brother Jay

Start from the beginning

Dick giggled. Jason and Tim liked to say 'you're not my dad' to annoy Bruce. Damian didn't find it funny for some reason.

"You can have your jacket back." Dick said. It was frankly a struggle to keep the broad jacket on his much skinnier shoulders.

"Are you sure?" Jason asked as they entered the store.

Dick shrugged coat off and passed it to his brother, who slung it on.  "What kinda shoes are you going to get?"

Jason glanced around his size of men's shoes. He pointed at waterproof black ankle boots. "These."

Dick looked confused. "Those are just like your old ones."

Jason nodded, walking the boots to the counter, without even trying them on. "I like my old ones."

Dick saw no flaw in this logic. "Okay!" He followed after his brother.
After they'd payed, they headed upstairs to pick up Jason's 'gift' for his boyfriend. Dick glanced up at the scary looking store. He started to follow his brother inside. "What's this store?"

Jason whipped around. "Dickie, I'm going to need you to stay outside while I head to the back to pick up my order."


Jason glanced into the Spencer's Gifts, and then back at Dick. 
"It's uh, a grownup store. I'll be back in five minutes."

Five minutes stretched forever to the seven year old. Jason took forever! He stood up and wandered into the store. "JAY?" He stepped further, nervously. "Jason? Jay?"

There was a fumbling sound, and Jason shot out from the back, holding an opaque plastic bag and blushing considerably. "Dickie? I said not to come in."

"You were so slow." Dick justified shyly.

Jason sighed and unshouldered his backpack, slipping the plastic bag inside. "I's okay. I'm not really mad. Let's just get you that new jacket, huh? Let's go." He quickly escorted his seven year old out of the store. That was  too close for comfort.


"What'd you get Roy?" Dick asked innocently.

Jason blushed a little. "Nothing." He chuckled. "I got this for you though." He passed his brother an Aero bar. Casual bribery. 

"Before dinner?" Dick asked. He had no clue how much leverage he had over his biggest brother.

"Sure thing. We're eating out. "

Dick opened the chocolate bar and broke it in two, passing half to his brother. "What are we going to eat?"

"What do you want?"

Dick thought for a moment. "Pizza?"

"Sure thing!" Jason rolled his eyes back, trying to remember the nearest restaurants. "Okay, there's one on Main and 2nd...?" 

"Okay!" Dick chomped on his chocolate bar, following Jason from the mall. It was still chilly and rainy, but he ignored it.

Dick was still so excited to be hanging out with his oldest brother. Jason always got him candy and pizza and stuff when he came to visit. This was mostly because he had a relatively disposable income and wanted his little brothers to like him.

"You want a soda too?"

"Yeah!" Dick exclaimed. "Please."

"What kind?"

Dick thought a little. "I like the one that you always get. That one." He poked the can his brother had. "The Coke."

Jason knew that getting chocolate and Coke wouldn't be great for his baby brother, but he loved how excited Dick got. Jason knew it pissed Bruce off when He wasted his income on spoiling his kid siblings. 

"Is your pizza good?"

"Uh huh!" Dick wiped his mouth.

Jason looked him dead in the face, grinning. "Do you want dessert?"

Dick's eyes grew wide. "YEAH!"

"Awesome, I've got a whole tub of Rocky Road in the second freezer at home." Jason grinned. 

"Let's go!" Dick shouted, jumping up and grabbing his big brother's arm, he pulled the twenty-eight year old from the restaurant. 

They ran into the rain and started heading back to the car. The rain was hard then ever. Dick shuddered from the cold, he was well on his way to soaking wet. Jason slapped his forehead. "SHIT! We were supposed to get you a new jacket!"

Dick nodded a little. "Can we still get it? Before ice Cream?"

Jason shook his head. "Everything's closed now."

"Oh." Dick said, pushing his now wet hair out of his eyes.

"It's okay, I'll get you one tomorrow." Jason reasoned. He shook off his jacket. "Here you go." He wrapped it around his little brother's shoulders. He smiled, hurrying the little boy towards the car. "Now let's get home quickly and warm up."

"Then ice cream?" Dick asked.

"Right. Then ice cream."

-sorry I can't upload as often anymore, I'm so overwhelmed by life Right now, and looking for a first job so I can start saving up to move out-

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