18- more saturday plans

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                                                  ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪꜱꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ 

                                                ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴏɴ ɪᴛ


no one pov

it had been a couple days from the incident. taehyung still shook up about it, to be honest. never had he ever seen jungkook look so vulnerable. it was strange.

and the worst part, was that he wanted to hate him. he wanted to hate the man for leaving him, and disappearing. he wanted to tell him how mad he was.

but he couldnt.

he couldnt hate jungkook. even if he tried, and believe me he did. the boy just simply could not get mad at him. and he knew that weakness would kill him one day.


"you look better." jaebum said as taehyung walked into work. the younger smiled softly and nodded. "yeah..." jaebum gave him a small smile and grabbed his apron.  "well, that's good. everything is so depressing when your tired." he said jokingly.

taehyung chuckled lightly. "yeah..i guess." he said grabbing his apron as well. both walking to their cash registers. ready to start the day.


taehyung just finished work, and arrived home with hyunie. the little baby off to take his nap as taehyung cleaned up.

as the dirty blond was making the couch pillows neater, he heard his phone ring. he looked at the caller id and sighed lightly. answering it.

"hello?" a voice, sounding happy as it always was.

"hi jimin." taehyung responded. "hi! so i was wondering.." he started. "yes?" taehyung asked. "well, on saturday kookie and i are going to the beach..like a hang out. and he said we should invite some friends, like a hag out. and i really want you to come, because i think you my friend. i hope so. anyways. you can bring hyunie if you want. and hobi too. and..yeah."

jimin rambled on, which made taehyung smile slightly. he thought about what the older said. frowning a little when he remembered what he called jungkook, but snapped out of it. remembering he cant say anything about it.

"tae?" jimin called from the line. snapping tae out of his thoughts. "o-oh yeah..sorry. um..yeah i can ask." the younger smiled lightly. jimin squealed excited. "ok! cool. i'll text you all the info."

"ok." taehyung said. "ok bye bye!" jimin beamed. "bye." tae said and hung up. sighing slightly before dialing his best friend.

"hobi?" "yeah what is it tae?" hobi asked through the phone. "uh..so..." taehyung stammered. not sure how hobi was gonna react. the older sighed. "what did you do?"

"nothing. its just..well...jimin asked if i wanted to come to the beach with him, and bring you and hyunie...and i said yes."

hobi sighed once more. "just jimin?" he asked. taehyung frowned slightly. he paused for a little while before saying. "a-and jungkook." the latter sighed once more.

"tae..." "i know hobi hyung." taehyung knew he was setting himself up fro disaster. but he was greedy. he couldnt leave the elder alone. as awful as that was. the older inhaled sharply. "fine. i'll go. but only so i can keep an eye on you." taehyung nodded, even though hobi couldnt see it.

"o-ok..thanks." hoseok hummed. "ok. well i have to make dinner now. so.." taehyung said. "ok..say hi to hyunie for me." taehyung giggled a little. "oki i will. bye hyungie." hoseok chuckled at the cute male. "bye tae." then he hung up.

taehyung sighed and went to make dinner. not to long after the small pitter patter feet of a small child walked to the kitchen. smelling the chicken that was his dinner.

"hi mama!" he cheered. taehyung smiled. "hi babay. i made chicken." the baby smiled and clapped. "yeyyyyyy~" he beamed, making taehyung happy.


"so, this saturday.." tae started. the baby looked at him. "what we doing?" he asked cutely. "um..you remember jimin hyung?" he asked. getting an excited nod in return. "yesh."

"he asked if we wanted to hang out wit him and hobi hyung on saturday. do you want to go?" the baby thought for a little, making taehyung wait in anticipation. until he got an answer.

"is hyung gonna be there." he asked. taehyung frowned ever so slightly, thinking who that was. but then remembered. oh yeah... he thought. "yes he will be there-" he couldnt even finish before he got a happy squeal.

"yes yes. we going." the baby said excited. taehyung looked at the child. "what made you decide so quickly this time?" hyunie giggled. "cause i can see hyung! i wike him." he said giggling grabbing his sippy cup.

taehyung looked at the little kid intently. sighing to himself, as he grabbed his empty plate and washing it.

"well, we need to get you to bed." taehyung said to the baby, who was falling asleep already. "up up." hyunie said making grabby hands. taehyung let out a breathy giggle before he picked the angel up. carrying him to the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

then tucking him into bed and kissing his forehead. "love you angel." he said sweetly. "wuv you too. nuh night." hyunie said cuddling his bunny. "night." tae said closing the door of his room.


taehyung cleaned up, changing into a big tee. it was kinda hot tonight. he thought about today.

it was a pretty basic day, besides jimin asking him to go to the beach with him-


the beach?

the beach.


i hate the water.


heyyy luviesssss

sowwy i havent uploaded in a few days. im having writers block for this book, a little. but im getting it back teehee

anyways. i hope you liked the chapter, even if it was a little short.

luv chuuuuuuuuuuu



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