M.Verstappen - Everything Unexpected

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Requested by iivanovna

This chapter will contain swearing and mature content. I don't swear at all and don't have many experiences but I hope you still like it. This story is also going to be a rollercoaster.

Name that will be used - Zella Rose.

Part one -


"Mom, I can't talk right now," I say through the phone, while I walk through the campus. She wants to know if I'll be coming with them to the race this weekend because Grant wants to watch the race. It's the first time in a while that F1 will be racing here in the Netherlands. My brother and I have two different lives. He's an F2 racing driver while I'm studying to be a chemist. Yeah, I will admit that I'm quite smart that's probably one of the reasons why I don't have a boyfriend.

"Darling, Grant said that you have to let him know because he has to get you a paddock pass," she says and I see my professor walking into his classroom. Shit, I'm so late.

"Mom, I'll let him know. I'm currently late for my class."

"Buy. Love you," she says and hangs up. The thing is that my mom is actually from France and my dad is from the Netherlands. She understands it but she's not fluent at all. I was born in France 22 years ago and 2 years later my brother was born. 6 months after he was born we moved to the Netherlands.

My parents are really strict and I understand why. They just want the best for me. We are a really wealthy family. When we moved to the Netherlands my dad opened his company which he had in France and the company thrived from thereon. My mom is a very successful DA and also got a job immediately.

"Mrs Rose," the professor says just when I walk into the room extremely late. The whole class' eyes are on me. This man is really getting on my nerves. He's hot but so stubborn and demanding. I look at him and he shakes his head. "When will you ever be early?" He asks with a chuckle.

"I'll try," I say and he puts his arm out motioning for me to take a seat. I take a seat and take out my books while the professor continues talking about chemical solutions.

The lesson finish and every person stands up and walk out of the class. When I reach the door I hear my phone rings. "Zella?" My brother says through the phone. I know exactly why he is calling.

"Yeah yeah, I know what you are going to ask. I'll come to the race and qualifying and that's all because I have a test on Tuesday." I hear him sigh while I walk to the building where I live. My apartment is only 15 minutes away from the university, so I take my bicycle since it's faster and it's my daily exercise.

"I have never loved you more. I also want you to meet a lot of people here. I have really missed you, sis," he says and I frown. We haven't seen each other in a few months and we are really close. He tours the world and I have my studies. I'm in a university in Amsterdam and my parents are 2 and a half hours away from where I live, which means he doesn't visit me but my parents instead and every time he is off, I'm busy.

"Yeah yeah. Please just don't set me up with another guy this time," I say thinking back to the previous guys he has set me up with. One was really good looking but he said that he once thought of his mother while having sex. No thank you. The other one was from Australia and had 7 spiders walking around his apartment...as pets. The last one was really nice but he had ex-fiance issues.

"The last one I promise." Ha!

"You said that one with the last 4!" It's true. I have been on 7 dates and not one was suitable for me. I don't even want to date someone at the moment. I mean, I'm happy alone. Of course, it's lonely sometimes but I'm focusing on finishing school to impress my parents while my brother is out there not caring if he impresses them or not.

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