And Aiyora was someone who no longer preferred to ignore her intuition. Therefore she stayed.

"I'm sorry Yuuki, that was entirely uncalled for."

"Oh no... it's fine... really." Yuuki responded to his apology by vigorously shaking her hands and was completely taken aback when Kaname cupped a portion of her face.

"It's alright, all that I ask is that you just be yourself."

Aiyora, who was witnessing the interaction rolled her eyes. Of course you want her to stay the way she is! The idiot she remains, the easier you can manipulate her.

"You're so different from all the others I have surrounding me. ...Yuuki, you're a warm hearted girl and that is something I treasure."

Aiyora face palmed herself. You're hopeless onii-sama. You can't be cheesy, even when you're trying to be.

Yuuki got herself lost into those deep wine coloured eyes. In that moment all she could think was how mesmerizing these dark set of eyes were, how handsome Kaname himself was... and totally forgot the main reason she came here, running out of an ongoing class.

"Now then, you should go... I believe you have class going on right now." Kaname reminded, as he guided her to the door. " future do not come here by yourself. But if you do wish to come, I suggest you have Zero accompany you. Considering the amount of blood he took from Aiyora, he would have enough strength to fight off if any vampire here tries attack you."

Hearing the silver haired boy's name a bulb lit up on the girl's head. She finally remembered the main purpose of her visit.

Yuuki turned around and snapped. "That isn't fair to him! Why are you saying things like that?"

"You really want to know why...? The answer is quite simple, he bit someone dear to me. And I'm sorry, I just can't ignore the fact that she got bitten by someone else."

Yuuki stood there dumbfounded at how bitter his voice turned toward the end. Aiyora too was shocked. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nervousness down.

"Kaname- sempai... I actually came for a reason, I have a request— please don't put Zero in the night class!"

"Why not?"

"Because for the last four years Zero's been battling this battle all by himself... and I didn't know anything about it despite living so close to him this whole time. ...For me it was a huge shock to learn that Zero is a vampire. But yesterday... I really hurt him..."

"Yuuki..." Kaname wiped away the tears that started to pour out of Yuuki's eyes and explained his reasoning.

"You must understand, this is one request I cannot honour, even if it's from you. Every human that's turned into a vampire will eventually turn into a level-E."

Yuuki's eyes widened at the revelation. Her mind went back to the monster with the face of a child she encountered in the clock tower. And she took a step back in disbelief before running out of the moon dorm. Kaname remained there silently watching Yuuki's retreating figure keeping his signature blank face.

Just as the door closed after Yuuki, Akatsuki spoke up, making his presence known.

"Listen, I have no idea why both you and Aiyora-sama are so attached to that girl. As it is, you two are the only remaining members of the Kuran family and that girl lives under the same roof as that hunter Kiryu Zero does. ...and we're all a little confused by it." Akatsuki stated.

"You want to know why...?" Kaname asked running a hand through his tresses as he walked past the fiery haired noble. "...that girl is the last responsibility I have left."

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now