Chapter Thirty-Two

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She was still sleeping next to me on the couch when I woke up the next morning. Momentary confusion swept through me, but yesterday's memories flooded back quickly. I was laying on my back on Riley's couch, a little bit of sunshine shining through the closed blinds. Looking down, I took in her sleeping form. She was half laying on me, face tucked into my neck. Little puffs of air hit my bare skin, causing an electric shiver to make its way down my spine.

Her hair was wrapped up in a silk cloth, which meant at some point last night she had gotten up, dried her hair, and wrapped it. Then she came back to me. Instead of sleeping in the comfort of her bed, she chose to climb back onto the couch and fill the space beside me.

Hope sprang through me, just a small sliver, but it was there nonetheless. She might still be angry, but she still sought out my comfort. I wiggled a little to the side, so I could reach my phone on the coffee table. It was only about six in the morning, so I turned my regular alarm off, and dozed off for a while longer.

By the time I came back to, it was much later in the morning. My eyes felt heavy, but I still felt quite rested. In fact, last night was the best sleep I had gotten in forever, and I was pretty certain it was for Riley too. She hadn't moved an inch since I woke up this morning. Her breaths were even, and her cast laid on my stomach lazily.

Her phone was on the coffee table next to mine, so I checked it quickly just to make sure we didn't miss a call from the hospital. When I saw nothing, I put the phone down, and decided to let her sleep in longer. I wound my arm around her more securely, holding her tighter against my body. She grumbled something in her sleep, moving her leg in-between mine, but didn't wake.

Another hour passed before she began to stir. I watched her as she blinked her eyes opened, squinting at the light peeking through the blinds. Her face bunched up in confusion, and her head poked up to look around. I bit back my smile, not knowing exactly how she would respond to waking up next to me.

Her eyes met mine wearily, not giving away too much. "What time is it?"

"Little after ten." I tell her.

She lifts herself up off me, reaching for her phone, "Did anyone call?"

"No, I've been keeping an eye on it just in case. No one from the hospital called."

Moving completely off of me, I sit up and give her more space. She's still waking up a bit, but even then I can feel the awkward tension start to thicken. Neither of us really knew what to do with the other. I had made it clear I was going to stay, and I was going to make good on that promise. Riley had probably thought that I didn't mean to this extent.

I cleared my throat, "Why don't I order some breakfast for us?"

"You don't need to do that, Harry." She said, "I'm not that hungry anyway." Right then her stomach grumbled.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "I'll just get something easy for us. We'll need the energy for later. It can be an early lunch too, since we woke up so late."

I get my phone out, and pull up my Postmates app. I order some breakfast burritos for us, thinking that would be easiest, and we could take it to go if we get the call. Once I confirm the delivery, I look up to see Riley studying me. I don't say a word, waiting for her to say what she obviously wanted to.

"Why are you here, Harry?" She finally asked.

"Because you needed me."

Her eyes narrowed her, "I don't need-"

I huff, interrupting her, "Fine, you needed somebody, and I wanted to be that person."


Swallowing down my nerves, I answer, "C'mon, Riley. You know how I feel. I might've been a fucking idiot and ruined it all, but you know."

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