Chapter Fifty-Eight

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This is the second chapter of a double update. Please make sure you read Chapter 57 first. Enjoy!


Watching her leave brought everything back.

The unconscious sway of her hips. The way her hair bobbed on the top of her head. My heart bursting through my chest. Emotions I hadn't felt in years rushed through me. Feelings I had purposely pushed far down in order to just survive day to day.

When I first walked up to Glenne and saw Riley, I couldn't believe it. I was sure it was either an illusion or just a girl who looked like her. But it was clear that my Riley was standing right in front of me. After eight fucking years. I could barely choke out her name.

She looked as shell shocked as I did, only gathering herself when Jeff came over and hugged her. That gave me time to study her. Her body had changed in all the best ways. Luscious hips and full round cheeks were accentuated by her tight yoga pants. She looked amazing when we were younger, but now she looked healthy, like this was how her body was always supposed to look.

The only thing that had me worried was the bags under her eyes. With no makeup on, they were easy to spot. Was she sleeping enough? Was she stressed? She didn't sleep well when she was stressed, and that was one thing she could barely hide. At least from me.

Then she went all cute on me, stumbling over her words, the nervous chatter. I had never seen her like this - well, except once. That night in my old boat. Christmas Day, after she had kissed me out of nowhere. She took my inability to believe that she was ready for that again into thinking - rather stupidly - that I didn't want her like that. How could I ever not want her like that.

And the way my body reacted to this, made it so fucking clear that whatever I had felt for Riley all those years ago had never left me. My body heated whenever her eyes shifted uncomfortably to mine, feeling my own boring into her face. My fingers itched to reach out to her. And my heart... Fuck, I thought it might stop right then and there.

I think she was feeling these things too. I mean, she had even started to question whether I was single or not. That had to mean she still felt something, right?

After she had turned the corner, leaving me in an empty aisle, it took me a few minutes to move my feet. This was the last thing I expected to happen when I moved here. Riley was so far out of the picture that it hadn't even crossed my mind.

Jeff stood with Glenne in the baking aisle, a smug grin on his face. When he saw me, he said, "Did you fuck everything up again?"

Glaring at him, I bite back, "Don't start."

"Wait, so who was that?" Glenne asked, clearl excited.

"No one-"

"That was Riley." Jeff interrupted, turning to his girlfriend, "The only girl Harry's ever been serious about."

"Riley?" Glenne looked confused for a second, then her eyes got wide, "Wait, that girl you dated back in college that broke your heart?"

"She did not break my heart." Jeff gave me a look. "Okay, she did, but it's not like- She didn't- It wasn't on purpose or anything. The whole thing is super complicated."

"But she's the one that ended things, right?" Glenne pressed.

Sighing, I admit, "Yes, but it wasn't all her. I fucked up too."

Taking hold of our cart, I started walking it down the aisle, deciding we were done here. I couldn't process any of this while I was around so many people. At least at home I could shut myself in my room and take a hot shower while Glenne cooked dinner for us. That gave me some privacy.

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