Chapter Twenty-Five

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"In order to meet the means of the people, every society must answer three basic economics questions. What are they?" I read off a study card.

Riley groans, burying her head deeper into my neck, and mumbles, "No more. My brain's tired."

I breathe out a laugh, setting down the cards on her bed. We were laying down, Riley tucked into my side, my hand resting on the patch of skin that was bare due to her shirt riding up. I look over at the clock to see that it's almost midnight. Riley's mom had another round of chemo and was staying in the hospital, so I was planning on staying until Riley fell asleep.

She peeks her head up out of my neck, eyes tired and rests her chin on her hands folded over my chest. She looks so soft, and I want to stay wrapped in her forever. But I made that promise to her mom.

"Petal, I should probably leave now." I say quietly, squeezing her side.

She breathes out, "You're too nice for following my mom's wishes."

I grin, "Who would've thought, huh?"

"Me." She answers immediately, her finger coming up to trace my bottom lip.

It was these little moments that made me believe that I could do this. That I could be what she deserves and wants. We had spent the last eight hours locked in her room, and not once did we get naked. I was actually a little surprised, especially after the weekend we had. We just hung out, studied, worked on our senior project. I wanted to keep her mind off her mom, but I also didn't want to think of my shit either.

By the time I had gotten home yesterday, the twins were asleep and my mom was gone again. My dad was sitting in the living room reading, looking up briefly when I entered. After a few awkward seconds, I went upstairs to my room for the first time in over a week. He didn't call for me or talk to me in the morning. He probably knew I couldn't really do anything with mom being gone, and that I wouldn't say anything in front of the twins.

I focused back in on Riley whose eyes had shut, sleep overtaking her. Slipping out from under her, she pouts and snuggled into her blankets and pillows, replacing me with her body pillow. I smile softly, bending down to kiss her temple.

"Goodnight, Riley." I whisper, shutting off her light and closing the door softly. The kitchen was a little messy from the dinner we made earlier, so I cleaned it up before shutting all the lights off and leaving through her front door. I made sure to look around before plucking her spare key out from its hiding place and locking the door behind me.

When I got home, I sat in my car for a while, not wanting to be here. I wish I was back with Riley, or at least on my boat, but I couldn't keep hiding out. Whenever my mom got back from whatever she was doing I would have to tell her. I had given my dad enough time to come clean.

With a sigh, I finally clambered out of my car, and walked up to my house. It was quiet inside as always, the twins probably asleep, my dad probably fucking some chick that wasn't my mom.

Right as I was about to climb up the stairs to my room, I saw that the light was on in my mom's office. I hesitated for a split second, but eventually starting moving towards her door. With a small knock, I pushed the door open slowly. Peeking my head in, I saw my mom leaning against the edge of the desk talking on her phone with a smile on her face. Her eyes met mine, smile dropping, and she said, "Thanks for the update. I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Her eyes lose focus as she listens to whatever the other person on the phone has to say, a small smile gracing her face again. When she hangs up, she turns her attention back to me, and says, "Harry, what are you doing? I figured you were gone for the night."

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