Chapter Seven

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I don't remember the last time I had felt this way.

I was antsy and excited, and my eyes kept darting to the door of the diner whenever it opened. I hadn't felt this way since the beginning of Carter and I's relationship. The butterflies, sweaty palms, and the heavy beat of my heart... Except this was so much more. Fifteen year old me wasn't as nervous or excited to see a boy as seventeen year old me is now.

This was a bad idea, but I was past that. The exhilarating feeling of being around him was too enticing for me. He was the greatest distraction I could've had, especially after today.

Walking down to the field, sidestepping everyone's questions on why I was wearing Harry's jersey, was actually quite fun. Mel and Casey couldn't get enough of it, teasing me and talking about how pissed off Carter will be. I just shrugged, pulling my phone out of my pocket when I felt it ring. My smile faded as I saw my mom's contact pop up.

"Hey, guys, I'll catch up. I've got to take this." I tell them, walking off without waiting for their response. Answering my phone, I ask quickly, "Is everything okay?"

I heard my mom chuckle, "Hello, flower."


"I'm doing fine." She hesitates before adding, "But the doctor wants me to stay overnight for observation."

My heart plummets, "Why, though? Is it getting worse?"

"No, no, Riley, calm down. The radiation was a lot today, so they wanted me to stay tonight, and tomorrow they have one of the top oncologists coming in from New York to teach a class. They want her to consult on my case. It's actually a good thing." My mom tells me.

I bite my lip, wondering how much the consultation will cost, but shake head and say, "Can I come by tomorrow then?"

"Yes, of course you can, Flower. Can you stay the night at Amanda's or Naomi's tonight? I don't want you at the house by yourself."

"I'll ask. I'm sure it'll be okay." I mumble out.

"Riley, I don't want you to worry about me too much. I'm already feeling better from the treatment."

"Have you eaten?" I asked her, knowing that in a few hours she will probably be feeling worse than she does right in this moment. It was like this every time. My mom would come home in high spirits, feeling good and crash hours later. She knew what was coming too, but she was also trying to keep my spirits up.

"They do, in fact, feed me here." She teases.

I breathe out a weak laugh, "Alright, I just wanted to check."

"Have fun tonight, Riley. Text me when you get back to your friend's house, so I know you're safe." She asks, both of us knowing she'll be asleep by eight.

I had walked back to the girls, fake smile plastered on my face, and let them distract me. It became easier when the team came out, my eyes seeking Harry out on the field. He looked so hot out there, calling out drills and scoring practice shots.

Amanda knew something was going on, teasing me under her breath to start, but got distracted by Shari once Harry's friends arrived. Despite knowing that Harry and Shari regularly hooked up, I quite liked her. She was very much the type of girl who just didn't give a shit what anyone thought of her.

I found myself curious to how tonight would go. Shari was at the diner with us, and I wondered if it would change anything between Harry and I. Sure, we were just flirting and kind of egging everyone on with the whole jersey thing, but I questioned if he would bother with me when he very easily could be with her.

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