Chapter Sixty-Three

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Present Day


I was forever grateful in my choice of attire for tonight. The long black dress hugged my body, showing off the curves I had gained over the years. I was a little self conscious of my stomach in it, because I couldn't wear any shapewear due to the plunging back. That also meant I couldn't wear a bra, so my boobs were all taped up, defying gravity. The neckline ended at the base of my neck, covering my shoulders just barely, with sleeves all the way down to my wrists.

It was definitely sexy, but not too sexy. I was there to network, meet with potential clients, and charm some rich people into letting me spend their money on remodels, but my mind was also focused on Harry being there. In that suit.

My mouth watered just thinking about it.

I was still determined to not fall into the bottomless black hole that was him, but I also wanted to knock his socks off. Show him I'm not the struggling little girl he used to know. I wanted him to be the one salivating over me.

It was a quarter to eight, so I put the finishing touches on my makeup and hair, adding a few rings to my fingers, and headed out. My nerves were tumbling around in my stomach. It was weird knowing I would see Harry tonight. The three times we had run into each other had been purely coincidental. I wasn't prepared for any of those, but I had an ample amount of time to prepare myself for this. I even had talking points just in case it got awkward.

Thank god Amanda and Jeff would be there tonight. They would be good buffers.

The hotel was busy tonight, guests coming in and out, benefit goers walking in with expensive suits and gowns. I gave the valet my keys and took my ticket from him before heading into the lobby. My eyes swept the space, but I didn't notice anyone besides a few donors for the library project and, unfortunately, Keane from Diamond Designs.

Hiding from his sight, I ducked into the restrooms and used the toilet. I took my time as I washed my hands, fiddled with my hair, and fixed my dress, hoping that Keane will have moved into the banquet room so I could avoid him easier. Luckily, he was nowhere in sight, so I slipped into the banquet room without notice.

It was already crowded inside, little circles of well-dressed people congregating all over the floor. Some walked around, viewing the art that was up for auction tonight, while others sat at tables with their hors d'oeuvres.

Spotting an old client, I smile and wave, walking over to the couple. The first hour was spent doing exactly this. That couple introduced me to their friend, then we were joined by more people. One of them swept me away to talk about a project he had been thinking about for his house, which led me to a whole new group of people to meet.

I had handed out at least twenty cards, and got the feeling that I had impressed quite a few of them. I really needed to look into hiring some more people if I was going to handle this potential influx of business.

"Be still my heart, that dress..."

I groaned internally, shoulders sagging as I heard the familiar voice. Turning around, I gave the man a saccharine smile. "Keane, what a pleasure."

He grins, blinding white teeth gleaming at me, "You know, you're gonna give me a complex."

I hummed, "Maybe that will help with that ego of yours."

"Oh, come on, I'm not that bad." With surprising grace, he steals two champagne glasses off a waiter's tray as he walked by, handing me one. I take it, sipping the bubbly drink and looking around. Keane continues, "You do look amazing, though. You're stealing many looks tonight."

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