Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Halloween Weekend - Freshman Year


"I've never seen you smile this much."

I look over at Imani, books strewn across her bed, laptop open in her lap. I had just walked into our dorm room after my last class of the day. It was the day before Halloween and Harry would be arriving in an hour or two, and she was finishing up an essay before the weekend started.

I've been giddy all day knowing I would finally get to see him for the first time in two months. It's been hard, but we're making it work. We FaceTime every morning and night, text throughout the day, even skyping study sessions with one another. Anything we can do, we do together.

"I'm just happy." I answer with a shrug that was so far from nonchalant as possible.

Imani smirks, "You're happy you're going to be getting some dick tonight."

My jaw drops and a weird laugh escapes me. I gather myself quickly, though, and say, "What about you? Rogan seems to be getting pretty close to the holy grail."

"Maybe," she shrugs, "depends on if he pisses me off tonight."

"When doesn't he?"

Imani thinks for a second, "Good point. Should I go for that guy on the lacrosse team?"


"No, Callum."

I tilt my head, picturing the guy, "He's pretty cute, and totally into you."

"I kind of get the feeling that he's not, though."

"No, I think he's just shy." I tell her, sorting through my clothes to find the perfect outfit for Harry. "I see him checking you out, like, every weekend."

"Really?" She asks with a big smile, "Well, tonight's gonna be fun." I laugh. "Back to you and Harry, though. I'm gone tonight and tomorrow to give you two some privacy, but I do ask for you to be clothed by the time I need to come back to shower and get ready."

"Of course," I nod my head once, "thanks again, by the way. I know it's a total hassle to find a place to stay-"

She waves me off, "I'll probably be at the lacrosse house both nights if Callum is as into me as you say. And getting you some action is top priority. I don't know how you've lasted this long."

"It's only been two months."

Imani looks at me as if I'm crazy, "Yes, but when you've got a super hot boyfriend that loves you like he does, two months is like an eternity."

It did feel like an eternity. Not the sex part - which I definitely missed like crazy - but just being apart from him. He felt so far away from me at all times, and I really couldn't imagine doing this for four straight years. Three if we got lucky. Both Harry and I had graduated high school with enough credits to consider us sophomores, but neither of us had settled on a major yet.

"Can you stop talking about my sex life and help me pick out an outfit?" I ask my roommate.

She closes her laptop and places it next to her on the bed before getting up and walking towards me. Thinking, she studies my wardrobe, "Hmm, well, we have to go for sex appeal. Remind him what he's missing."

I roll my eyes, "I was thinking of saving that for tonight at the party. And tomorrow night."

"Oh, right, the nurse and Catwoman costumes..." She says, "He'll love those. He might even get jealous and possessive like you like."

One night, about a month ago, we had gotten drunk in our dorm - just the two of us - and she asked me everything about our relationship. Of course, there were a few things off limits, but I told her all about the way he claimed me in front of the people at school. I swear, my feminism went right out the door when he got all caveman on me.

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