Chapter Eight

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The moment we got to Amanda's we split up. Whatever had just happened was intense and I needed time to process it. Never had I ever felt an urge like that. Even after thirty minutes of making out with Carter I had never wanted to take things as far as that.

Just the feel of his large hand on my thigh sent electricity through me. I missed it already. I wanted his hands on me again, but there was something holding me back. It was just so intense. Everything about us felt heightened, like we had a connection before we even really knew each other.

I remember the comfort his presence brought me over the years. How drinking or smoking with him was calming. I never understood that, and now I feel even more confused. I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't have wanted him to go farther in the car, the feather touch of his pinky against me in a way I had never let anyone.

Why was I so ready to spread my legs for him? I didn't understand it. I just didn't.

So I was talking to a few people while Harry was on the other side of the room talking with different people. Our eye would meet every five minutes or so. Maybe for comfort. Maybe to check to make sure the other was still there. Fuck if I know.

I was drinking tonight. Not enough to get plastered, but enough to get a delightful buzz going. I really wish someone had a blunt ready, yet no one offered and didn't want to seem completely unhinged. This wasn't an actual party like we would all normally be at on a Friday night. There was no one dancing on tables or jumping in the pool like our classmates were on Snap. This was chill. No one was getting hammered, and in replace of the loud music and a makeshift dance floor there was quiet music playing in the background.

This reminded me more of the low-key basement parties that I would sometimes show up to with my friends from my neighborhood. We were all hanging out in Amanda's game room, a room her parents had decorated a castle theme when she was really into princesses as a kid, and now was painted red and had numerous arcade games scattered around.

The air hockey machine was currently occupied by Naomi and Baylor who had been flirting hardcore all night. It was actually kind of cute until Mel would saddle up to them and start trying to flirt with Baylor. After about ten minutes, I decided to do something about it, so I left Amanda and Shari, and followed Mel over to the makeshift bar we had set up.

"You want another drink?" She asks, noticing me walking up.

"Yeah, can you hand me a beer?" I clear my throat, "Hey, Mel?"

She glances up from mixing her cocktail, "What's up?"

I hesitate before speaking, trying to figure out the best way to bring it up, but I decide to just rip off the bandaid. "Naomi didn't tell you this, but she's had the biggest crush on Baylor for like two years."

Her face dropped and paled, "What? Why didn't she say anything?"

I give her a look, "You know why."

"But now I feel like a complete ass! I never would've tried anything with him if I knew she liked him!" She whispers harshly.

"Well, I figured I would tell you now. Especially, since Baylor seems to be into her." I tell her.

Mel groans, "Fuck, can't believe I told her we slept together. I was bragging about it and everything. Is she mad?"

"Did you guys actually sleep together?" Mel nods reluctantly, and I continue, "Look, she knows that you had no idea. She knows you wouldn't have done any of that if you knew she liked him. So she's not mad, but I would suggest laying off on the flirting."

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