Chapter Twelve

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"So what are you going to do about Harry?" Naomi asked me as I fix myself up in the mirror.

I opted on a more casual look with my high waisted skinny jeans and a flowy crop top that showed the perfect amount of cleavage with my push-up bra. I ended up confessing all of my confused feelings to both Naomi and Amanda after school one day, but even after a week I found myself nowhere closer to knowing what the fuck to do.

"Should we be doing this?"

That's been the question on my mind all week. I thought I had known. I figured I was ready to take the next step physically with someone, and Harry was the perfect candidate. We got along, he was excruciatingly hot, funny, and non-committal. I thought I was okay with all that.

But I also found myself opening up to him in a very dangerous way. Harry had so easily extracted information that I had kept secret from pretty much everyone, and it scared the shit out of me. The way he looked at me, too... The softness in his eyes as he studied my face, and how naturally my body fit against him. I learned last weekend how perfect we fit, whether it was dancing or hugging, even something as casually as me leaning against him in the bed of that truck. I just felt so comfortable.

It was addicting being around him, and I felt withdrawals all week from staying away from him. I nearly gave in on Thursday when our eyes met across the locker bay. I had felt such an intense need to be near him, and I couldn't understand why. I had just wanted a little fun, something easy and pleasurable.

Harry could be all that, but I also know now that he is so much more. The problem with that is I'm not sure he could do more. He was skittish and pushed me away whenever we got close - excluding last Sunday. As far as I knew, he had never officially dated someone, a chronic womanizer is what Naomi had called him. Amanda seemed to have a different view on the situation, one that surprised me with how positive she was

"I don't know." I tell my friends honestly.

"I say just go for it." Amanda says, finishing up her makeup, "He can't be any worse than Carter."

I sigh, knowing quite well that he had more power over me than Carter did after over a year of dating. "I think I'll know if I see him tonight."

"He'll be there. Casey said she's riding with them all. Thats why her and Mel aren't here. By the way, I think Mel tried hooking up with Harry." Naomi mentions casually.

My head turns quickly and I ask, "What?"

Naomi smirks, "Calm down, she said he rejected her hard. She was really down about it, too. But I think you've got your answer."

I furrow my brows at her, but Amanda pipes in, "She's right. You reacted strongly to that bit of news."

"Shut up." I grumble, eyes trained back on my reflection in the mirror. "Mel can do what she wants, and so can Harry."

"Yes, and Harry rejected her, but has been staring at you like a lost puppy all week." Amanda says.

My face warms, "No, he wasn't."

Naomi snorts, "You're delusional if you think Harry doesn't want you, Riley."

"Then why does he keep pushing me away?!" I exclaim dramatically, falling onto Naomi's bed with a groan.

"You were the one who said you needed time to think about you two. At least, you said that to us. I think you've been the one avoiding him all week." Naomi challenges me.

I frown, "You're supposed to be on my side."

"We are on your side." Amanda stands up and grabs her purse, "That's why I'm telling you to get your head out of your ass and make a decision. Either forget about him or make a goddamn move. Sounds like he needs a little push anyways."

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