Chapter Fifty-One

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"Can you guys believe it's here?" Naomi asked as she sectioned off another layer of her hair to curl.

"Seriously, senior prom. Remember back when we were freshman dreaming about this?" Casey said with a laugh.

Mel, who was busy finishing up her makeup, added, "Yeah, when you were in love with Brad Mayfield? You thought for sure he was going to ask you to prom."

"Because he was totally flirting with me all year!" She defended.

"Casey, he was a senior and you were a freshman." Amanda rolled her eyes, "He was never flirting with you. He was just being nice."

Casey mumbled something under her breath, but not loud enough for anyone to hear. Naomi continued, "I kind of want to cry. This is our last hurrah."

"We still have most of the summer, Na." I laughed, "There's finals and graduation and parties at the lake house. Are you gonna cry at all those too?"

Naomi threw one of her throw pillows at me, making me fall back onto her bed. I had finished my makeup thirty minutes ago, and decided to keep my curls wild and natural for tonight. All that was left to do was change into my dress. The five of us were getting ready at Naomi's house, figuring that would be easiest since that's where the after-prom party was being held. Her mom had hired a professional photographer for us that was scheduled to be here in an hour, right after the boys were getting here.

Amanda was going through the dress selections, most of the girls bringing two choices to choose from. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous they were. Who needed two prom dresses, and only wear one? The money thrown around at this school was horrendous, and I realized that soon I wouldn't be around this type of crowd.

Sure, there would still be a ton of privileged teens going to Stanford, but college was different. There would be more diverse backgrounds. I was staying in the dorms for my freshman year, and was praying for a good roommate. I knew I would be able to deal with another snobby, rich girl, but I needed a change of pace.

Looking around, I watched my friends. Mel and Casey were two people I probably wouldn't keep much contact with. They didn't live in the city, so they wouldn't be coming back for holidays. As far as I was concerned, we were all on the same page. We'd be friends on social media, like each other's posts, but rarely reach out. I wouldn't be missing their friendship, and in all honesty, I don't think they'll be missing mine.

Naomi was a different story. She was moving across the country, and I would genuinely miss her. She had been a good friend to me these past few years, never looking down on me for obvious reasons. Still, I think ours might be a friendship that wanes over the years.

The only person I knew for sure I would stay in contact with - besides Harry - was Amanda. She was my best friend and for good reason. Not only had we been drawn together that first year, but there was nothing fake about us. She knew practically everything about me, and I her. I was even on good terms with her parents. The added bonus was that she was only an hours drive away. We were already making plans for the first month of school.

Heading over to her, I said quietly, "What dress are you thinking?"

"Hmm," she hums, carefully inspecting a pale green Ivy colored dress, "Maybe this one."

"It's really pretty."

"It has nothing on your dress."

I roll my eyes and snort, "You mean the dress you "bought for yourself" but it didn't quite look right?"

She glances at me, smirking, and shrugs, "It looked different online."

Shaking my head, I place my arm around her shoulders and lean into her, "What are you gonna do with yourself when you no longer have to buy things for me?"

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