Chapter Fifty-Four

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PSA: This is the second of a double update! Please make sure you read Chapter 53 before this one. Enjoy!

Freshman Year of College - Move-in day


My mom and brother helped me carry my bags up to my dorm on the fifth floor. The last week had been weird without Harry, but I found myself excited about finally starting college. The Stanford campus was just as nice as I imagined, filled with teenagers and young adults moving into the dorms. People congregated in little groups all around campus, catching up with old friends, and I could picture myself finding my people here. A true friend group that I could rope Amanda and Harry into.

Another family squeezed by us as they made their way back down the narrow hallway. Doors were open, some kids looking nervous, others excited. This was so different from high school - even a private half-boarding school like Harden Prep was.

Everyone was on an even playing field. There was no way to tell who came from what background just for the fact that they were here. For the most part, it looked as if no one knew each other, introductions taking place all around us.

Finally, we reached my room, one of the only ones that had its door closed. Figuring no one was here yet, I twisted the knob and let myself in, stopping just short when I saw there actually was someone already here. The girl standing near duffel bags and boxes stared right back at me. Her skin was darker than mine, hair tight with box braids down her back. She was taller and more curvy than me, as well, the yoga pants she had on showing off every curve she had.

"Hi," I say, moving forward to let Micah and mom in so they could put their boxes down, "I'm Riley. You're Imani, right?"

We had exchanged a few messages back and forth when we learned we were dorm mates, but meeting her in person was so different. I would be spending all of my freshman year living with her in this tiny little room.

"Yeah, nice to meet you!" She says with a smile, then introduces herself to mom and Micah. "Sorry, my parents just left so you missed them."

"That's okay, honey." My mom says, "So where are you from?"

"LA. Silver lake, really." Imani answers politely.

She makes small talk with my mom for a little longer until she excuses herself to the restroom so we could say goodbye.

"She seems nice." Mom says.

I shrug, "Yeah, so far, so good."

"Are you gonna be okay?" She asks.

Looking around the room, I decide, "Yeah, I think I will be. You'll text me when you get back home, right?"

"Of course."

"And you'll be honest with me when you go in for that checkup in October, right?"


I look to my brother and raise my eyebrows, "You'll make sure she tells me the truth."

He breaks out in a grin, "Stop worrying, Flower. Enjoy your first term of college. This is huge. Promise me you'll do a keg stand like they do in the movies."

"Micah!" Mom swats his arm then turns back to me, "Please, do not do any keg stands. I know I can't stop you from partying, but be safe, Riley."

"Mom," I chuckle, "of course, I'll be safe. I'm here for the education not the parties."

She gave me a disbelieving look, but I returned it with one purely innocent. Technically, I was here for an education, but that didn't mean I also wouldn't party. This was college for Christ's sake.

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