Chapter Seventy-Six

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Present Day


I should really get some silk sheets for my bed.

The soft material glided along my legs as I shifted in the bed. A sliver of light breaking through the curtains lit the room, forcing my eyes to blink open. It took a second for my eyes to focus, the little sleep I had gotten last night making it even harder than usual.

I shivered, the cold morning air biting at my skin. Glancing at the window, I noticed the grey tint to the light, a breeze sneaking in through the small crack Riley must've left open last night. My head lolled to the side where she lay.

The comforter was pulled back around our waists, the bare expanse of her back teasing me. Curled up on her side, face buried into her hoard of pillows, I noticed little goosebumps up and down her arm.

Kicking away the rest of the comforter, I got up and walked over to the window. I shut it silently, then peeked outside to check the weather. It wasn't stormy, but the sky was blanketed in grey. Leaning back, I tugged the curtains as close as possible, blocking out any excess light.

When I turned back around, my eyes landed on the bed. The sheets, while shiny and expensive looking, were rumpled; comforter thrown about hastily on Riley's lower half. By the time we had started to fall asleep, it was well into the night and, after a second round and lazy conversation in between, we had barely been awake enough to notice the open window.

Her body looked soft, the brown absolutely glowing amongst the white silk. At some point, she must've gotten up and wrapped her hair, the conversation coming back to me as I take her in.

With my fingers combing through her wild curls, I ask, "Are you still terrible about wrapping your hair before bed?"

An embarrassed smile sneaks onto her face, burying it into my bicep where she was resting her head. I chuckle, pulling her closer to my body. Happily, she molds against me, hooking her leg over mine. The soft skin of her thighs and calves felt like heaven in between mine, my hand leaving her hair to trail down her naked body.

When it landed on her thigh, my fingers curled in and hiked her up even more, so she rested against my semi-hard dick. The contact felt amazing, but it wasn't to entice her into another round. I just wanted to feel her. To know that this wasn't a figment of my imagination.

"I'm still awful." She admits, "But I bought silk pillowcases a few years back and they help."

I scrunched my eyebrows, picking my head up off the pillow and looked. She swats at my chest, "Not right now. I spilled coffee all over them last week, and my new ones haven't come in the mail yet."

As she smooths her palm up and down my chest, I close my eyes and hum, "Send me the link. I'll make sure to get some for my place."

Her hand stops above my heart, and I hear her exhale deeply. A moment later, her lips press against my collarbone, following it, dipping into the crest, and continuing along my other one. My hand squeezes her thigh as she drapes further across, breasts ghosting over my chest. Moving her hand, she gifts me one last kiss to my heart.

Curling the arm she was previously laying on around her back, I moved us, so that we were facing each other, her leg hooked over my hip now. She tilts her head up while mine looks down at her. Lifting her hand, she brushes her knuckles against my cheek. I hold my breath, watching her study my face. Her grey eyes took in every inch, finally looking at me as her fingers tuck my hair behind my ear.

I smile softly, her fingers drifting down behind my ear until her hand rests in the crook of my ear, thumb petting my cheek once more. Then she leans up, connecting our lips. I sigh into her, moving my head to the side to deepen the embrace.

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