Chapter Eighty-Four

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Fall of Junior Year of High School

The crowded house felt suffocating. There were people everywhere, many drunk out of their minds. Normally, I wouldn't care all that much; I would be one of those people having fun. But I was in a pissy mood tonight, all thanks to my shitty-ass boyfriend.

Carter had gotten jealous earlier when I was talking to another guy, and the fight we just had in the bathroom was enough to make me rethink our relationship. It hadn't been good for a while, but something kept stopping me from ending it.

Needing air, I weaved in and out of the crowd, smiling at those who tried to get my attention, but ultimately not stopping for anyone. Thankfully, Amanda and the other girls didn't see me or they would know something was up. Honestly, it had probably already made its rounds, the girl waiting for the bathroom having heard most of our argument. Intel like that wouldn't stay quiet for long.

It was late fall, making the air chilly as I stepped out back. It was cloudless, though, stars shining brightly above my head. Hugging my sweatshirt closer to my body, I walked onto the grass, enjoying the quiet.

I should've just not come tonight, but Carter and the girls wanted me here. And I usually liked parties. They were a good way to let go and do stupid things. Especially now, with everything happening at home. I needed some fun, yet tonight had been anything but that.

A rustling sound had me turning quickly, only to spot a figure sitting on the ground, back against an old tree stump near the corner of the yard.


I didn't know the guy too well. Actually, I wasn't sure anyone really knew him. He was quiet most of the time - adding to a lot of the rumors - and didn't smile much - making him into some untouchable bad boy. The most interaction I'd ever had with him was in class, either being partnered up or in group projects.

His friend Taylor was dating my friend Casey. Or at least I think they were currently dating. They might be on another break.

He was watching me, a curious tint to his eyes. His gaze made me feel antsy, my feet shuffling beneath me.

I broke the silence first.

"What are you doing out here?"

He doesn't answer right away, letting his head fall back against the bark of the tree. Right before the silence became unbearable, he said, "Bit too much in there."

My face softened, "Yeah, I know what you mean."

Harry considered me for another moment, then asked, "Do you want some?" He holds up a small tin can.

Knowing exactly what was in that, I started forward, "You're willing to share?"

With a shrug, he replies, "I've got a few."

Of course, he does, I thought to myself. He probably had enough money to buy a whole cannabis farm for himself. I sat next to him, a few inches separating us, but I could still feel the heat of his body. I also noticed how even sitting he dwarfed me, his broad shoulders shifting as he took out a blunt and held it to his lips. My eyes drifting naturally to them, noting the pink color and the plushness. They almost seemed too soft for this boy next to me.

He took it out of his mouth once he got the lighter out of his back pocket. Then with a flick of his thumb, fire ignited, the end of the blunt being rolled easily until it was lit. Holding it out for me, he allowed me to have the first hit. My face burned under his scrutiny, eyes locked onto the silent stretch of grass in front of them as to not meet his.

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