Chapter Fifty-Five

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Present Day


"Okay, Mrs. Thompson, how are those exercises working out for you at home?" I asked the older woman.

"I think good. I find it hard to do everyday, honestly."

I look up from my computer, "Why is that?"

"With all the kids, I get up early to make sure breakfast is made, wake them up and make sure they've got everything for school. I have to drop them off, and then I usually go to the store to grocery shop every other day - which takes forever - and the days I don't, I come home and clean the house - which also takes forever. By the time I'm done, I'm so exhausted, and I still need to pick the younger kids up from school, start dinner, pick the older kids up from practice, finish dinner, and then make sure homework's done..."

I frowned, that was certainly a lot to do every day, "So you don't have time?"

She nods, "And when I do, I tend to put it off, thinking I can do it later."

I nod this time, and move closer to her, "That's completely understandable. You've got a busy life. Have you talked to our family about your health at all? How about your husband?"

The clearly strained woman looks down at the floor and bites her lip, "He's busy throughout the day as well."

I studied her, but kept my face kind, "Okay, but he knows about your hip problems?"


Folding my hands in front of me, I start, "May I ask you a question, Mrs. Thompson?" She nods. "Does anyone help you around the house at all?"

She hesitates, "Sometimes the older kids will help, but they're so busy with school and sports and their friends. I don't want them to miss out."

"I'm going to be honest with you, Mrs. Thompson. I'm worried you're overworking your body. It sounds like you're on your feet all day, and I know you're sleeping schedule had been off for the past year because of your hip. Your body can only take so much of this, as well as your mind."

"My mind?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.

"Yes, it's not always one hundred percent physical. Your mind is just as tired as your body. If you don't mind me saying, I think you need some help around the house." I tell her as kindly as possible.

"Like a housekeeper?" She sounded as if the idea was crazy.

I chuckle, "No, I'm suggesting your family help you out occasionally."

Her brows scrunch together in the middle, "Oh." I let that settle within her, watching her think. Then she says, "I'm sorry, I'm just... I don't know. I've been doing this for so long, and my mom did it while I was growing up."

I nod quickly, "It's hard to break habits, Mrs. Thompson. When I got my injury, I got off to a strong start, but as time passed I began to push back my appointments. My knee was doing well, and I thought I was better until it wasn't. I didn't take care of myself the way I should've and it's still not back to where it was. If you continue on this way, there's a chance that you might damage your body to the point where you won't be able to do any of the things you can now."

She takes a deep breath, "How do you suggest I do this?"

I pause, "Well, maybe sit your family down and explain what's going on. Ask for help here and there. You know your family better than I do, obviously, so you'll know exactly what you need to do." I breathe out, "But, in the meantime, how about I give you an alternate set of workouts that might be easier to do throughout the day. Just try and do the original ones at least once a week until you figure things out."

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