Chapter Fifty-Three

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10 years later


"Okay, I've sent off the invoices for both the O'Reilly account and the Swiss Building job from last month. We should have payment by Thursday." Ella says as she walks briskly into my office. Her red hair is flowing down her back today, but she barely looks up from her iPad. Typing furiously into it, she closes the door with her foot and makes her way over to the chair sitting on the opposite side of my desk. "I've also heard through the grapevine that your presentation for the library upgrade has made you the top contender."

I raise an eyebrow, leaning back in my chair, "And how did you hear this."

Ella smiles mischeviously, "Assistants talk."

"That douche from Diamond Designs put a proposal forth too, right?" I asked.

"Yep, but apparently they've already tossed out his proposal."

Inwardly, I celebrate. Diamond Designs was my biggest competitor, but the man who ran it, Keane Martin, was a cocky son of a bitch. When I first started my company, after a few years of working at another architecture firm, I was invited to many small events where industry players mingled and bragged and drank. Keane was one of them, and was incredibly charming. So, I had gone on three dates with the man, but the more time I spent with him the more I wanted to bash my head into a wall while in his presence.

Needless to say, he didn't appreciate my rejection of him, and had made it so he personally tried to take jobs out from under me. With the library proposal, I had found out through gossip and networking that he desperately wanted the job - something to do with the donors of this particular job and wanting to get on their good side. I was already planning on putting a bid in, but that made me work harder.

Now it looked as if I was going to come up on top. This job would put some notoriety on my name. The Everstaad Company had a slow start - most clients being smaller businesses. But those smaller designs, both building and interior, had given me a diverse portfolio. One that apparently the city really liked.

"This job could be exactly what you've been waiting for. The perfect job to show what you're capable of." Ella continued, getting comfortable in her chair, and finally switching off her iPad, "You're a two-in-one. Something most places don't offer. And I've seen your blueprints for the new library. They're stunning."

"Are you sucking up to me?" I tease.

"I am working towards that holiday bonus." Ella deadpans.

Laughing, I say, "I'm actually excited about this project. If we get it, that is."

"No way we're not winning. Expect a call for a second meeting with the council."

"I'm not getting my hopes up." I point out, "Remember the Hallway job?"

Ella grumbles, "That was stolen right from under our fingertips."

There was a knock on the door, interrupting our conversation. Robbie, one of my construction leaders pops his head in, "Boss, we've got a small problem with the Stanton project."

"Come in." I beckon him forward, "What's wrong?"

"The whole crew on site just came down with something." Robbie started, wincing when he added, "The foreman thinks it's the flew. His kids got it at home and it probably spread. They'll be out for the rest of the week."

I sighed, "Okay, well that's not the disaster I was preparing for. Ella, can you get in touch with payroll to make sure they get their sick pay on time this time. No excuses."

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