Chap 35 (A thousand years)

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After the successful release of sm4, Shawn did a world tour named Shawn Mendes: The Apricity along with his team.
Germany, Mexico, Ireland, UK, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, and a lot more countries but one place held his heart tightly against his chest, Los Angeles. He felt a twinge of pain at the realization of the same familiar pair of gaze at him. Just as he made his way to the end of the stage, his breath, that had been caught in his throat for a good few seconds, escaped his mouth at the sight of another unknown, yet, a sweet fan.

The familiar gaze was no longer there. Fans screams, louder than bombs, echoed in the whole stadium when Shawn reached his hand out to grab the flower the girl was holding. She smiled at him fondly. As much as the worth capturing the moment it was, not only shutters of cameras captured it but it registered itself in the hearts of every person present there. That was when Shawn realized one thing. Life goes on.

No matter what you had, what you have, what you will have, life moves on with or without you. Whether he was agreed with this or not it was not just his life. Millions of fans around the globe strive to catch a glimpse of him, come across from the different parts of the world just to make this moment their best moment of life. He had to be strong for his fans, for his family, for the music that gave him everything, for his friends, for himself, and, he had to be strong to experience what was left, once, inexperienced. He had to be strong for his Luna. To have her back he had to be strong whether he was ready or not.

Therefore, rather than going against the flow of time, he decided to let the stream of time take him where his heart always had belonged to yearning on a longing wish that was occupying a space in his heart for almost a year.

Yes, it had been a year since his love said goodbye to him. Memories he had of her weren't enough to spend the rest of the life with as he had a lot more to do but he calmed his not so ever patient heart a million times. He waited for a year, which seemed like a damn thousand years to him, and was ready to wait more just with one assurance that he would have what was meant to be his one day.

Meanwhile, he let other's fill the emptiness of his heart, and they succeeded to some level but a room of his heart was never reached nor touched by anyone. The room where memories of Luna, not buried but living and growing and keeping someone alive, were surviving under the sunlight of hope, quenching their thirst from droplets that used to fall on heart, in craving of someone who had left quite a while ago leaving the trails of everlasting love.

Shawn's POV

"Thank you, Toronto! You guys were amazing!", tonight it was my last performance of the world tour nowhere else but in my hometown.

The stadium echoed with a big roar of applause at the end of the last song I performed, I'll wait till my last breath. No doubt, I wrote this song for Luna and I'm not sure if fans have noticed my tears when I was singing.

"See you again loves!", just as I was about to leave the stage my eyes catch a glance at a placard one of the fans was holding above her head.

Step by step, I walk in the direction of her. The handwriting on it became more clear and readable when there was left minimum distance between us.

I love you and will keep loving you no matter where you go in this world, Shawn Mendes!


My heart ached once again bringing all the memories of her to the back of my mind.

"I hope one day you find someone who will love you with the same amount of love and will never leave your side. No matter what", my voice with a crack on 'no matter what' spasm against the walls of the stadium since I was wearing a microphone. 
I waste no time leaving the stage and go to the dressing room.

"The wait will be over soon", Brian never left my side since the day Luna left my place.

He even insisted to join the world tour and I had to lay my weapons since I knew that I would be needing someone at the end of every performance. Someone to calm my heart and say all those hopeful words.

"That's the only thing keeping me standing on my feet believe me", I hug him and close my eyes shut to prevent the tears that were threatening to fall any moment.

Loving Luna taught Shawn many things, all above, how to be patient and hold onto the burning desires of your heart. It takes a lot of courage to let someone you love go with the hope that the person will come back to you, not forcefully but with all the heart.

But nobody knew when his wait was going to come to its end.

Would it ever?

A/N: Didn't take much longer to update this time right? Hope everyone is doing okay. If not just wait a little bit more. You're such a strong and amazing human! I believe in you! You got this!! The fog will clear soon. I'm all here. You can talk to me anytime. Thank you for being such a wonderful person! And do hit the vote button if you like this part.
Always remember that I adore y'all Angels💙

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