Chap 21 (Undesired Wait)

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To my face she blamed me. In front of Brian she apologized. What's she actually up to?

After four days

There is no sign of Luna. I called her, god knows how many times, text messages, voice messages, spying on her house, looking out for her in nearby hotels but she was found neither where.

I made wait my only guard on duty 24/7 to not let my hope down.

Hope that she would show up someday from somewhere. Hope that she would come running to me shrugging off all her thoughts except one. Hope that is keeping me alive, motivating me to carry on in my life, pushing me toward my future.

Each second we spent together replays in my mind every morning I wake up to the cold air.

Thought of her small squashy cheeks turning brick red with layer of blush swept across her face guides me to the bathroom where standing under the shower and letting water stream down all my worries has become my very first early routine of the day follow by her giggles taking me into the kitchen.

Imagining her smiling figure sitting across from me helps me eating up my breakfast.

Her afraid and questioning eyes staring into my mine when I used to leave for studio help me concentrate in recording of new songs with the thought that there's someone waiting for me at home.

And at the end of the day with myself throwing on bed, wondering what she would be doing and let her smile soothe me to sleep.

I'm not sure how long I'm gonna stand against my despairs. Only way to check is to keep doing this, keep doing and hoping her to come to me home as soon as possible.

Luna's pov

I couldn't take my money along with me when I left his condo. The truth is that all I wanted was to get lost from his sight, far from his presence, miles away from his sight and touch!

For three days wandering in streets and sleeping on benches of different parks, so that Shawn couldn't find me.

Eating leftovers of people in parks wasn't actually making me alive but his harmless, wholesome smile.

No matter how much I fight with rebellious side of me about betraying that man and not giving him the flash drive, I'm gonna end up losing everything from all ways.

So why not to protect Shawn?

You're thinking to protect him with pure intentions of harming him, his fame.

What are you Luna? Ever since you came to his world you only caused blunders. You don't deserve to live. Let's end your scrubby bullsh*t life after saving Shawn.

You can either save his life or his fame. What's use of the fame when one cannot live in it. Better save him. He's talented and his fans will believe him. And his manager too. Will they?

Staring at the flash drive that I was holding in my hands, I stood up on my feet finally after making up my mind.

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