Chap 29 (Emergency Room)

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Shawn's POV

When the officer gestures us to start stepping toward them, I hold the hand of Luna.
One step, two steps, three steps, one after the other, slowly and carefully.

Of course, you wouldn't want to mess up even one bit at the point where we are standing, also, counting chickens before they hatch would be whole nonsense.

The officer, we are heading over to, seems to plaster a triumphant curve on his face since he's killing two birds with one stone, saving the famous Shawn Mendes and ending up the whole circuit of a notorious mafia leader, Lewis.

We are halfway through the distance to reach the other side where cops are waiting for us when I heard Lewis howling in agony.

"You can't leave without paying bitch!"

To my luck, yeah I would call it real luck, I see clouds on the horizon, Lewis aiming his gun at Luna. It's my turn to save my love. She came all the way here just to save me. When I said that I will protect her, I meant every single word and all the hidden meanings behind It.

When you're in a relationship you can be a sugar daddy, babble around, make someone fall for you with your honey, sweet words, but it is tested when you're being placed in a situation where the evaluation of your love is held, on the base of which you're given your results, that is, whether you can call yourself a true lover who fought for his way, for his love, or mere a milksop who backed away right after seeing the danger.

The former case is what I'm plotting to commit. I'm going to sacrifice myself, my life for no one, but the one, only love of my life, my Luna.

In the very next moment, I push her away with a hefty thwack and stand at her place where the bullet is making its way to. Breaking through every particle in the air, it hits my body.

Luna's POV
"Shawn!", after whacking my weak frame against the stiff surface I crawl toward Shawn who's laying down.

"Shawn", taking his head in my hands I put it on my lap. Half-opened eyes, abnormally slow breathing indicating that his body isn't getting enough oxygen.

"Luna", he tries to speak as tears start welling up in my eyes. To see his breaths trapped in fragile lungs makes me want to cry out loud. Blood is gushing from his stomach. My hands are covered in his blood. I find my world crashing down.

Sound of bullets, cops taking over thugs, afterward they taking us to the hospital, nothing could make me take my eyes off of my love until the doctors take him inside the emergency room.

Is the dream I dreamt about a couple of days ago going to come true?

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