Chap 26 (Is Shawn dead?)

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Luna's POV

Someone dropped me off in front of a graveyard. It more looked like funeral of someone. Sun was hidden behind dark wispy clouds as if it's about to rain any second. I don't remember how I ended up here. I saw group of people gathered around at one spot. My feet started dragging me toward them nonchalantly.

No no stop Luna! Stop right there.

I wanted to stop at voice of my brain but it looked like my body wasn't under my control. As if someone else was controlling it, giving it directions.

Continuing walking toward them my gaze fell on Brian who was sitted on chair in a black suit.

The moment I walked past him he started crying.

Everything was little foggy. I kept walked past people until I saw a coffin.

It wasn't that I was seeing that narrow box for first time. I got glimpse of it when my dad died as my aunt didn't let me go near it neither let me hold sight of it considering my age.

What shocked me to death, what made my feet anchored to the ground, what caught my breath stuck in my throat, what formed lymph in back of my throat, what made my eyes wide opened was picture of Shawn pasted on it.

What's going on here?

I raised my one foot little higher above the ground to take one step. Then I saw Shawn's mom and dad crying. I couldn't see his little sister though.

"Sha-wn", I dragged myself in direction of them.

"Wh-er-e is Sh-aw-n?", I wished they could read my brain so that I wouldn't be struggling with words.

"It's all your fault Luna! My son died because of you! Get out!", it was a lie.

I wished it to be a lie.

We were going to save Shawn. Me and Brian were trying to find a way.

Shawn's dad held his mom back as, more or less, she was about to attack me.

"No- he ca-n't", my lips quivering with slow motion.

"You killed him! You're a liar! Why did you come to his life! He shouldn't have helped you at first place", she yanked arms of Shawn's dad that were wrapped around her and grabbed collar of my shirt.

"Brian take her out of here", Shawn's dad shouted.

"I didn't ki-ll I- ho-w can I- I", not even a single dropped fell from my eyes.

One moment, I was trying to convince them that I how could I kill Shawn when I was willing to sacrifice my life for him. Other moment was spending in pushing myself to believe that Shawn was no more.

"Brian it's not Shawn laying in there it's n-ot hi-m te-l-l the-m", Brian was just shaking his head in no.

"No", I mumbled under my breath, looked down at my feet in disbelief.

"Shawn is dead Luna. They killed him because you didn't give them that flash drive", how could he say that easily. Maybe he was just being quick to accept the reality, or maybe I was being paraniod.

"I was going to! Believe me I was!", my voice raised as my body fell to the ground. I crawled on my hands, reached them out to touch the coffin.

"Shawn?", I was hoping him to reply.

"Shawn I'm here. Stop this bullshit and get up", how could the only person I ever loved in my life have left me alone knowing that there was no one I belonged to but him.

"I won't refuse your love anymore. I won't hide my feelings for you either. Just come back to me for once. We will go far from here. Me and you in our world. You said that you will protect me. Protect me now! You liar! Where are you gone! Come and protect me!", it wasn't something I would believe that easily.

"Luna he's dead! Shawn is dead! He's no more!", Brian's voice, alone, was enough to kill me all at once.

"He can't Brian. He can't die! He promised to live with me for rest of his life", a drop of tear streamed down my face, the instant, when a drop of rain fell on my cheek.

"No... no- Shawn", everyone around me disappeared.

Brian, Shawn's mom and dad, his friends even the coffin. It was just me crying and screaming in pouring rain.

"Luna...Luna wake up", a voice at back of my mind pulled me out of that place, throwing me on a bed.

I took a second to catch my stuck breath then looked around only to find a unfamiliar room.

"You were dreaming", Brian was sitting next to me on bed.

"Shawn", sweat drops were glittering on my forehead.

"Take me to Shawn. They will kill him", breaking into tears was what I could only do after that having that horrible nightmare.

Brian tugged me in his arms.

"We will save him", rubbing back of my head he whispered.

The fear of never earning his smile, never feeling his touch, never be in his arms, never seeing him around me, never be able to hug him, never get to confess my feelings was eating me up slowly, but painfully.

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