Chap 33 (Stay a little bit longer)

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Today it marked exactly two weeks since the incident took place in their lives. Two weeks back then when Luna was acting on her enough reasonable decision, having blindfold of love on her eyes, without reviewing the conclusions madly followed her heart and panned out the place filled up with thugs loaded with guns. Standing on the bay of risk and likelihood of foreseeing the ending of more than many lives, Brian put up with the bravest and wisest decision in the strands of time when he decided to tail Luna. His conscious mind informing the cops at seeing the girl so lost in love, drenched under the pool of ultimate miseries and pain. If it weren't of Brian that day, who knew where their lives would've shaken out by now. Two weeks ago Brian saved the day by risking everyone's life and Shawn saved Luna's life. If it were to be written in the pages of history it would certainly turn out with the title 'Tale of two distinctive lovers' jotting down the character of Shawn as prince charming every girl dreams of, Brian his trustworthy knight, and Luna neither a princess of any kingdom nor a daughter of the filthy rich mayor of the kingdom of Canada but a cinderella living under the pawns of her stepmother. Only if it were a fictitious tale, their story would've to be worthy to be told and written in golden pages of history.

Falling in love with someone from a different world, ready to give up your everything for sake of what is called true love, longing for a mere touch, witnessing the never experienced, surreal moments of surroundings stopping around, wave of a soft breeze tickling the skin, heart skipping beats, butterflies flying in the stomach, healing of wounds just by intertwining the fingers, discovering the calm in eyes of someone else, dancing the heart out under your lover, love illuminating the path in the nighttime, hand in hand leading to the destiny had only been observed in stories and movies yet desired by everyone. Nevertheless, none of them would've ever had imagined any of what had been happened but they were happy to have each other. Determined and optimistic to grow old together, at least one of them truly was.

"I love you Luna, my Luna", a gentle voice ringing in the ears of Luna had become her favourite melody.

"I love you too", pecking the lips of your most handsome boyfriend was never enough. How could someone let go of that sweet taste with just one lick? That's why their all soft pecks always came out into a hot, sloppy, messy kiss.

"Seeing that you've recovered fully, I think it's the best time to let you know", saying that she wasn't worried and afraid of Shawn's reaction would be an understatement.

"Remember I told you I need some time? Considering your injury I suppressed it down for a temporary amount of time, but there's no more need to do so. I think, no I want both of us to live apart for some time. Without seeing each other, without any contact. I hope you will respect my decision."

Despite everything going smoothly she had begun to feel a void in her heart. That's when she thought about spending some time alone.

"Why?", one word with a cold sigh was only that could leave the latter's mouth.

"Is my love not enough for you?", he couldn't sit back to watch his girlfriend committing a nonsense fuckery!

"No-no-no. It has nothing to do with you, Shawn. It's just that I'm the one know needs aloneness. After my parent's death, things had never been normal for me. My stepmom treating me no more than a caged animal, using me just for money, hurting me painfully, thinking of me a whore. That's when she decided to send me to the hotel so that I could seduce the man and she could get her money. Harassment, blackmailing, nightmares, attempt to commit suicide, you get kidnapped and that blood, each and everything are fresh in my memories as if it was yesterday. Don't you think I deserve sometime? Seeing you with me helps me a thousand times more to get better than I could've been without you but you're also part of this all. I feel guilty when I think about how much you've suffered because of me. At this rate, I would never be able to heal completely."

By now Shawn was a whole crying mess. This was not how he planned to get things to work for both of them. This wasn't how he used to daydream about him and his Luna rising through every upcoming obstacle in their lives. None of this, happening and gonna go to happen in the coming days, could never have been registered in his mind. How could?

When you think you've had the worst, life comes around smirking and present to you the unforeseen calamity as if it is asking you to reconsider your words, what you had was worse than what you're having now? You become hopeless, keeps drifting down in the swamp of torment, griping hard on to nothing but the choked desolation. 

"Hey", taking the hands of a broken boyfriend was the least she could do at the moment.

"Please don't leave me. Ple-as", Luna captures the trembling lips of her saviour.

The cherry taste of his lips, now, mixed with salty drops of tears didn't happen to be a barrier to their sweet, cozy interaction.
Shawn heaved her down on his lap. Luna dug her nails on the back of his neck, deep into the skin as if she was also not ready to let go of him yet. She parted her lips to give Shawn access to her warm carven. He slid his tongue inside her mouth. Twisting it around hers he pressed Luna hard against his chest that there was no space left for air to pass. Luna leaned back, but just a little to catch a breath, her hot breath was still fanning against Shawn's face when he moved to her neck, sucking harder, leaving pink marks, however, tears never stopped flowing down his eyes.

"Won't you understand me?", Luna manages to utter a few words since his sucking was giving rise to her moans that she knew, once heard by Shawn, was only gonna end up with Shawn making love to her. Shawn licked a strip of her jawline then kissed her lips again.

"I will. But not now", he kisses her again. His bloodred eyes filled with tears looks straight into Luna's, pleading for some time.

"Not now, please. I need you", he says with a shivering voice.

"Stay a little bit longer", Luna never wanted to see her boyfriend breaking down like this, begging for her love when she knew that she was all his. She places Shawn's head on her chest and wraps her arms around Shawn tightly as she starts caressing his back.


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