Chap 24 (Inescapable Maze)

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Since I decided to hand over the flash drive to the Mafia, I ended up wandering in streets for minutes to find something to eat.

I needed to gain some energy before showing up to them. Maybe I could seize any opportunity to run away from there or maybe I was still dreaming.

After dawdling in parks for about twenty minutes my sight met a little boy eating hamburger.

My eyes going inevitably to his burger got his attention.

"Are you hungry?", in raspy innocent voice he asked walking up to me.

I looked up to the sky wondering how miserable could life be?

He took my hands into his small ones.

"I would be thankful if you eat up", why would he be?

In very next moment he said something as if he was reading through my eyes.

"Live. Time will pass same as it passed yesterday. Time will pass same as it passed when you were happy. Time will pass same as it passed when you thought you wouldn't make it to the coming minute. But you see how surprisingly it passes everytime.

It will pass this time too. Keep breathing and wait for your turn", if I wasn't wrong he more looked like a six year old but the thing that amused me more was how someone as immature and small as him could talk so wisely and deeply.

"There's no other choice. You've to live for your loved ones and you're one of the great well wishers of yourself. To conclude, you've to live for yourself."

He looked at me as he wouldn't leave without getting a strong, deterministic response from me. I simply nodded my head as he walked away.

He had something illuminating in his eyes, hope and courage to make this world a better place.

"Did you finish it Joon?", I could hear his mom standing at a distance from me.

"Yes", his whole body seemed to be embodiment of truth then how could he lie so bluntly?

"I fed the half of it to a butterfly", guess I was in hurry to jump to the conclusion.

"Butterfly?", his mom looked at him with confused a expression.

"Someone smashed its wings but I'm sure it will take a long flight again", I wished the world was as beautiful as this little boy thought it was.

"Mom I did right thing?", to had an overwhelming appraisal from his mom, he asked.

"Yes Joon. If you help someone with true hope and show your righteous and deep concerns in them it turns out best for them. That butterfly will fly and paint the world with its bright colors", I wished world was full of people like them.

Park looked smiled back at him, held hand of her mom and disappeared in dazzling sun rays.

I gobbled up the rest of hamburger and stood on my feet.

Taking my mobile out of my pocket, that had been off for days, I turned it on.

My screen lit up with, god knows how many, notifications. Clearly, messages and missed calls from Shawn and few unknown numbers.

Brian? Why did Brian call me?

I was more than just surprised seeing Brian's calls and messages since they were from few minutes ago.

Luna pick up the phone it's urgent.

Reading one of his messages I made up my mind to call him only once, for last time, since he helped me by hiding all this from Shawn.

At least I thought he did.

"Luna where are you?!" , his alarming voice didn't seem to startle me.

"Why did you call!", I asked.

I didn't want to answer any of his questions and why would I? I was going to end it after all.

"We can't contact Shawn. We split up to find you. When we went back to Shawn's condo everything was so messed up there", that's what I afraid the most.

That was the reason why I decided to give them recording without considering his fame.

"Is he, by any chance, taken by those men?", I could feel the fear in Brian's voice.

"I I- t-h-i-n-k so", I stumbled over my words and looked all around.

Eyes getting teared up and fear of losing him started building up inside my body in great volume.

There was extensive bottomless silence on his side.

I could hear his soft, light sobs.

"Should we call poli", I didn't let him finish.

"No! No Brian no! They will kill him. They've no fear for god sake don't call police please just don't!"

I lost control of myself and burst, badly, into tears.

"Where are you? I'm coming to get you", they were this caring and loving since the beginning.

It was me who darkened their lives with my bad luck.

"Luna where are you!", he heard nothing but me weeping uncontrollably.

"I don't want to loose you either. I promised Shawn that I'll protect you at any cost", there was sense of impotence in his voice.

I sent him my location since I found myself helpless at this point. In few minutes he came to me.

"Let's go", his eyes were swollen red as if he was bawling them out.

"Take me to his condo", love is helplessly weird.

When he was there I wanted to go far from that place and now when he was gone my heart had inevitable desire to be there.

Drive was quiet until Brian spoke up only to calm me down.

"We will find him."

Apparently my eyes were glued to the dashboard of car but the moments me and Shawn spent together were flashing before them.

I opened the door and ran toward the condo as soon as Brian applied brakes.

Opening the door, whose lock was already broken, I wasted no time in heading to his room.

You want to change?

Memory from the night flooded in my mind when he saved me from jumping off the wall of his balcony.

He was too gentle to had me. His bathroom, when he took me in there and handed me his hoodie to put on, one of memorable and unforgettable memories of my life.

I could live my whole life with these thoughts.

"Why! Shawn why the hell did you choose to love me!", I let myself fall down on knees.

"That's why I told you to stay away from me!", Brian was standing behind me, probably, holding his tears back.

"Come back I'll never leave you again. Come back please. We will go somewhere far from these people. Where it will be only you and me Shawn please come back for God sake!", tapping my hands down on floor, incapable of holding myself, I cried and cried.

Brian walked up to me.

"Luna", he bent down before me.

"Brian tell him that I'm sorry. He's angry from me. Tell him that I'll never leave him again", holding shirt of Brian in my hands I wept bitterly.

My heart was aching as if I would die of its heavy weight.

"Hush It's gonna be all right", he pulled me in his hug, patted on my back slowly, to relax my mind that seemed to be trapped in a maze.

Love is a maze no one can get out of alone. An Inescapable Maze! But to reach its end you must've someone holding your hand. You must've someone to match your steps with so that you won't get lost!

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