Chap 19 (We don't fit together)

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"We just started. How could say that?".

In a monotone, he asked.

"It's better for us to part our ways before things run out of our hands."

I felt my heart thumping at his sight, somewhat, falling apart.

"Why are you making a fuss out of it? Is it this spiny for you to handle that I'm a singer?"

He made an attempt, holding my hand.

"Guess I just never fit in your fold."

Fighting an urge to hug him, I said.

"Yes, you do. You know that we fit together. You fit in my world, in my eyes, in my arms, in my..", before he could finish I pulled my arm away from his grip, letting his hand hang down in defeat.

"I can't stand your lies anymore. Seeing that you've been lying to me since the very first day shakes my mind. Moreover, I can't accept the boyfriend who's afraid of hanging out with his girlfriend in public."

I thought he could be persuaded easily to believe everything I would say.

"You're getting it wrong Luna. If I were that afraid I would never let you stay here in the first place."

He clarified though he didn't need to as I was fully aware of his genuine attentions.

"That's because you got yourself a maid. Cleaning, doing laundry, dusting, cooking, buying groceries. I did everything in return. I'm pretty sure we are even", his depressed gaze swept over my face.

It may have gone far more than he could handle. Tears were beaming in his eyes as if they would fall any second.

"Luna doing all that was your-", he was struggling with words.

In moments dewdrops started slipping down his face.

Luna, you don't deserve him. Look you made him cry again!

"Last but not least I'm pretty much surprised about how Brian was aiding you in all this, entrapped me in a web of your lies. You guys have no shame. Don't you?", he was standing frozen.

Bawling his eyes out, he inhaled the tensed breath gathered around us.

I went a little bit far. I was just trying my best to hate me and forget me, if he could, as soon as possible.

He would lose his mind if I leave him like this.

"Luna forgive me, please. Curse me, hit me just don't leave me,"

After arguing for minutes he seemed to be back in his senses.

"I will leave everything for you. Do you have a problem with my profession? I'll leave it too. Everything means nothing if I can't have you."

How could he talk about abandoning his career for me?!

Shrugging my all thoughts and care for him down on the floor, I held his hand and squeezed it carefully with the utmost love I had for him.

"I want the last memory you've of me, to be me smiling. Let's look into each other's eyes and share a smile", lie and lies.

Shawn had been lying to me and kept asking for forgiveness but I made everything worsen to an extremely dreadful level.

"Keep singing out your heart. Don't forget that you're the reason for millions of girls breathing out there."

My words appeared to convince neither of us. I let go of his hand. He was, more or less, calmed than before.

My fake tranquil gaze sent his hearth somewhere deep in the ocean of tears where he was grappling with his own self.

I took a final breath and stepped out of his room.

I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my phone.

Well technically speaking, it was his phone but I couldn't leave it there since the man was going to contact me to hand him the recording.

When I stepped out of my room and closed the door behind me, I heard sobbings coming out of Shawn's room.

Are you happy now!

Contemplating on my thoughts I stealthily crept downstairs, trying enough hard not to draw Shawn's attention. I exited his house in despair of never seeing him again!

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